No big deal this either, so dont wanna start a new thread.. but reply notifications sendt on email now have a different subject than they used to have.. used to be "Reply to post..." now it's "Reply to thread...". Confuses my filter
The only option I can think of that might be useful is whether displaying the message should cause lfs to play the system message sound or not (or maybe even the user message sound). If you don't add this option, please make it quiet like the MST /echo is.. (the MTC 0 made this annoying system message sound)
Doesn't "local computer" usually means "same computer" in non-host insim apps? No bandwith issues there.
my insim app is connecting to my lfs "client" (not host), and I want it to send a message only visible to me. This worked perfect in W17, I just sent a MTC to CCID 0 (host). Now I can't ("IS_MTC - only for multiplayer hosts")..
And a MST makes everyone see it (obviously).
How can I do this in W20? Am I missing something here?
Oh, missed that one then.. so to be sure the /mso is from the player running the app, i'm looking for MSO with User == 1, TextStart == 0 and UCID != 0.. would this be bulletproof?
Now, how can I distinguish between a /mso message (or later, /o message) written by the user running the insim app, and a /msg from an admin, without my insim app knowing the username (and then the CCID) of the user running the insim app?
Or, put in other words, is there a way for insim to know who of the players on the server is actually running the insim app (and then should take commands from)?
And, would it be possible to make a pre-/postfix to the F-keys bind so these messages is displayed in the lfs 't'-box instead of just being sent? For example, binding F1 to "~/o cmd" would open the textbox with the string "/o cmd" already written in it when pressing F1.
Edit: oops. a little off-topic with the request there... but it's very much (for me) related to insim, so I hope I won't get butkicked for this one..
Just a quick question: the /i command, and writing messages with the Prefix defined in the init pack, only works when connecting insim to a host right?
So when I'm connecting my insim prog to my lfs "client" (not a host), and I want to type a message inside lfs that I want only my insim prog to see, the only way to do that is by using the /mso command?
Why cant the Prefix, or at least the /i command, work with insim clients too?
I'm asking because I'm making a insim client app that involves alot of communication with the user through typing, and using a one char prefix there would be alot easier (for the user) than using the /mso "prefix" all the time.
Date: Sunday April 29th
Time: 21.00 CET / 20.00 GMT / 20.00 UTC / 16.00 EST
Server: [noobs] Pro Chat
Place: South City Long reversed
Laps: 30
Qual: 15 minutes
Dress code: Boost gauge, blow off valve and... sunglases
(and for those who doesn't get the obvious; [noobs] doesn't mean it's a race for nOObs (athough nOObs are welcome too... I think), but it means.. uhm, it's a race arranged by [noobs]... you know... the team. Lalala. :schwitz
Before W9 admins could drive the wrong way (with autokick enabled) without getting spectated. In W9 and W10 even admins are spectated (havent tried with kick yet).
Not sure if this is a bug or feature, but it's certainly test patch related (wasn't like this a few test patches ago, started happening after I upgraded to U30):
If I windowize (shift+f4) lfs and the lfs window looses focus, the lfs sound gets muted.
Very annoying, I like to be able to hear when someone joins a host (or just have the sound of roaring GTR's in the background ) while I'm for example reading my mail.
Edit: Uhm yeah. Thought I had read every post in this section before posting this, but the problem was explained by Scawen in page 30 in the "Cleanup : Posts moved here after processing"-thread. Sorry 'bout my bad research...
Ehe, I knew this was gonna be confusing. But this sunday we are no longer in summer time. So today your local time = UTC + 1, but on sunday your local time = UTC.
So it will be 20.00 your time on sunday... (if I got it right, and I probably didn't, so someone please correct me.. :schwitz