(well, "worried" is a bit strong since the amounts we're talking about is nothing that will make me poor, but we're trying to keep the costs of running the team to a minimum so every penny counts)
Hi, just thought of something that would be very useful (to me at least... )
It should be possible to somehow subscribe to changes in certain stats.
For example: I want to know when racerA has set a new pb and when racerB has uploaded a new hotlap.
I subsribe to those events with the requests
Then I have to poll for changes in my subscribed stats with the request
If for example racerA has set a new pb, check_subscription returns
PB racerA
and if racerA has set a new pb AND racerB has uploaded a new hotlaps, check_subscription returns
PB racerA
HL racerB
(if no changes, check_subscription could return.. "no changes".. )
A subscription system would make it less painfull to deal with multiple stats. Instead of downloading all my teammates pb, hl and pst say every hour, this way I could just poll for changes and just download the stats that have actually changed. Would save me (and lfsworld) a lot of statdata bandwith.
Is it possible to implement this system (or a variant) in the future?
Sunday May 14th it's time for the 1st annual [noobs] spring break!
We will have three races this night, in addition to a qual-race that will decide the starting order of race 1. The finishing order of race 1 decides starting order of race 2 and so on.
Qual race: Aston North with FOX, 10 min qual, 5 lap race
Race 1: Blackwood RallyX with RB4, 30 min race
Race 2: South City Sprint1-rev with MRT, 30 min race
Race 3: Aston Cadet with XRT/FXO/RB4 (tbo), 30 min race
The qual will start at about 19.00 cest.
Sign up by replying to this thread in our forum.. this race is open for everyone. Be there or be... uhm.. square.
"Essentially, the engine drives two clutch packs simultaneously. The outer clutch pack drives gears 1, 3, and 5 (and reverse). The inner clutch pack drives gears 2, 4, and 6. Instead of a standard large clutch plate, each clutch pack is a collection of four smaller stacked clutch plates, due to space constraints. Because the alternate clutch pack's gearing can be pre-selected, upshifts occur in an impressive 80 ms, though downshifts still take 600 to 900 ms."
if you really believe that kind of behaviour you showed is acceptable, then good luck in whatever online or real life community you wish to attend.