when you buy S2, do you have less crashers and better skill, or do u just have the crashers with more money to spend. there's nothing more infuriating than being taken out in the first corner by someone being overambitious on the brakes, or worse still, not bothering with them at all!
know of any near me? i'd really like to do that during the holidays, as i have 12/13 weeks of nothing. if you know of any teams near me at the right level (as in i don't know what level i'd be accepted at - not mclaren just yet!), and if you have any inside connections that'd be great. its a long shot but worth a go!
cool. also, i was thinking, motorsport engineering is very specialised. would it be better to do mech eng. first, and then motorsports eng. to give me a wider range of career choices? also, what are you planning on doing after the course? and what about the sandwich course i asked about above?
thanks. i was actually thinking of doing it at oxford brookes. is it any good? also, i though you could do sandwich courses (3rd year doing volunteer work at a team). what a level grades do you need to get in?
thanks, i'll check those out. also, anyone got any advice for me? e.g. A level choices, good Unis, best way to get started in the career (race series and suchlike)?