IHR will organise its first event on 23 / January / 2010.
Start time: 19:00 GMT (11 am PST)
You must be there at 17:00 GMT (9 am PST)
Car: XFG
Track: SO1
Distance: 60 Laps
Mandatory: 1 Pitstop (no changes or refueling needed, just make LFS happy)
Formation: single-file start and and restarts
Procedures: Safety-Car will lead the field to the start
Qualification: 2 Races, first 15 will proceed.
Note that if you are not on ventrilo you are expected to know the rules perfectly.
All I can say is that I am glad to not have this end ugly but instead in a proper and even friendly way. You are one of the last I want to argue with. This might have been caused by the "disgusted". It was ment towards 06 J. Teien and NDR only. The incident with you was just one of the numberless that occur and maybe not even worth reporting. To me the case is closed and I look forward to meeting you on track / vent / ...
On the one hand I regret having to spend my time responding to you ... I will call you beeings ... but on the other hand I cannot miss this. Yann, I am amazed how you have managed to disgrace yourself so bad with only 3 lines.
Just an advice, kid: Don't say things about me that are not true as I will not tolerate it. I am not acting like an angel.
You should take a break and think about what you wrote. If this is your world then you are in a seriously sorry state. The "world" consists, with a few exceptions, of uneducated, immature and egomanic idiots who off the track may not be taken seriously.
Then you talk about war. It is sad to see how you percieve things so here is another advice: Before letting irrational or even primitive emotions lead you better think first and then act.
If it is me saying that you gave it a stupid manouver then let me assure you that I just said it as it is in my opinion. You not only ignored 44 S. Hutchinson who was as close as it gets to both of us but also didn't look before turning in so much.
Stupid manouvers are to be named as such. Mine in the Golden 125 for instance was one. So why do you take it personal?
Be more precise - if capable of.
Let me make it very clear to you and those "drivers": I don't give a damn about your opinion. I do not drive dangerous. I drive hard and close but always try to not touch others. If they can't take it then they should do something else. They are not forced to be here.
As for the feedback towards my driving: I have made sure ever since to get it from those who really are a reference.
See what I wrote above concerning the incident.
Finally, Yann, I must say I am disappointed to have guys like you who are a good company on the track (on, certainly not off it) behaving like this. You say things about me which are not true, give comments without beeing asked and meddle without a reason in where you are not supposed to. I am friendly asking you to mind your own business and leave me alone.
Oh and since we are at advices: Here is an honest one: You should not start a post with "lol" as it is a truly poor etiquette. This you actually should not be in need of beeing told of.
Session: Race
Your Name: 0 O. Motorson
Cars Involved: 06 J. Teien; 30 N. Puntola; 0 O. Motorson
Lap/time: 14min 47sec / start of lap 12
Description out of your point of view: 06 J. Teien passes 0 O. Motorson and 30 N. Puntola during Safety-Car period.
Session: Race
Your Name: 0 O. Motorson
Cars Involved: 06 J. Teien; 66 N. Vallée; 0 O. Motorson
Lap/time: 17min 48sec
Description out of your point of view: 06 J. Teien brakes or better said test-brakes in front of 66 N. Vallée and 0 O. Motorson.
Please read the statement concerning 06 J. Teien at the end of the reports.
Session: Race
Your Name: 0 O. Motorson
Cars Involved: 33 Y. Laprevotte; 0 O. Motorson and others
Lap/time: 47min 31sec
Description out of your point of view: 33 Y. Laprevotte turns into 0 O. Motorson and causes several crashes. It was a stupid manouver and totally avoidable.
Concerning 06 J. Teien:
NDR, what does he need to do more to have you self-declared stewards (I actually should not paraphrase things and tell you what you really are but anyway ... ) finally taking some educating measures and teach him a lesson?
He has crahed others, misbehaved, ... in EVERY SINGLE RACE he has been in. It is simply, purely annoying to be in the same place / race / event with him. If there are no satisfying improvements I will consider my participation.
Team Name: Ironhorse Racing
Entered Cars: 1
Starting numbers for the cars: 0* (otherwise 88, otherwise 33)
License Applications for the team (Ori Antika / Ori / Male / DEU)
I have already pmed Nolan and asked him whether he wants the number 0. If he doesn't want it then I guess I can have it?
We appreciate your input and hope you had fun. We already welcome you to the next event which will be 8 weeks from now. All the Admins thank you for the performance and the mostly clean racing.
A very special thanks to those who helped organising it:
[NDR] Deko
FLP FEL did a truly great job on the stream always showing the best action.
(IHR) Falango did the magnificent artwork and made sure the event has some lovely trappings.
The OWL Team once again prove what they are made off and provided their server for practising.
IHR will organise its first event on 23 / January / 2010.
Start time: 19:00 GMT (11 am PST)
You must be there at 17:00 GMT (9 am PST)
Car: XFG
Track: SO1
Distance: 60 Laps
Mandatory: 1 Pitstop (no changes or refueling needed, just make LFS happy)
Formation: single-file start and and restarts
Procedures: Safety-Car will lead the field to the start
Qualification: 2 Races, first 15 will proceed.
Note that if you are not on ventrilo you are expected to know the rules perfectly.
Session: 4th round of the LLWS, Race
My Name: 0 O. Motorson
Cars Involved: 86, 32, 0
Lap 28 / 44:50.00
86 T. Chadwick crashes me at the end of the straight, turn 1. I land upside down and have to spectate. After the race he sais it would have been my fault. I still give him the chance to apologise. He does not. Instead he behaves like a miserable cretin.
Deko, I'm not demanding a severe punishment as the accident itself is not my concern.
It's just about this kid beeing taught a lesson on how to behave after wasting it.
- I apologise to 32 R. Hoiting for lap 26, turn 1. It was a purely stupid manouver. I will accept any protest and penalty.
- 86 T. Chadwick (Astroboy), u pulled a stupid manouver just like I did one lap earlier on Hoiting. Instead of apologising, u would try the "attack is the best defense" - way and try to shoot at me after the race. That "Don't even go there , Ori" was intolerably disrespectful and proved me right about u. I will hand in a protest to make sure u are sentenced some educative penalty.
As far as 09 J. Sedgeweick is concerned: He apologised and I accepted it. Closed case for me.
Ironhorse Racing has been reformed and is now a community. We have widened our spectrum and include not only racing but also any sort of other activities.
We thank anyone involved with IHR for the input. Both the positive and negative experiences have done their part about making IHR better.
Track changes after 8 finished races. The order is set to rotation.
Our oval temple. The place where oval enthusiasts will be able to live their oval fantasies. We will take care of this server as soon as the more important things are done.
Meanwhile we will have events every Sunday.
They will be run on different cars.
Number of laps will be at least 25
No registration / sign up needed.
For boxing measures this certainly was an odd fight. This was just what i liked about it. It was like watching a fight from a thrilling script - the great thing is this was real. I mean you had Haye playing with Valuyev over most of the 12 rounds. The only thing missing was a falling gorilla. I couldn't get enough of Haye's speed and talent. What the Briton showed was pure art.
Until now I haven't seen any abuse of this rule but I mentioned it because it's crucial.
My suggestion to solve it: If an accident occurs which has a safety-car or, to speak more in general, a longer lasting yellow-phase as a consequence then it can be dealt like this: The race director announces that there is / will be a yellow phase with possibilities to pit during this phase. He openes the pits at a point when all drivers have the same chances to enter the pits. The drivers are given enough time to catch the field - even if they have to repair every single part of the car and even if the repairing lasts aeons.
BUT!: This goes only for drivers who entered the pits at the first possibility. If they enter it later then they do it in their own risk.
I can't believe how small horizons u guys have. Widen ur horizon for Satan's sake! Fv<k Indy, Le Mans and F1! They are just an inspiration or maximally an orientation! That's it! Not more! Why not aim to reach with the NDR Kyoto 500 a higher level than the Indy 500 ever had? Live up to your name and think in new dimensions!
Well to me this is as simple as it gets:
- Just like on road courses and traffic, there is a continuous, solid line they may not cross.
- If they cross it to avoid a dangerous situation or the creation of a such: everything's fine
- If they cross it for unfair purposes: You guys have a satisfying choice of punishments u can impose.
I can't think of any case where the judgement would be difficult. Other than that it certainly is not too much demanded to respect the damn rules, is it?
Since it is one of the most important topics and in some aspects THE MOST IMPORANT BY FAR, i will treat this in a special post.
Some more things i forgot in the first post:
2.6: Incidents:
I would suggest an option in the treatment of incidents: The involved drivers discuss the incident between each other. If they agree on a conclusion and the race director doesn't see the need to treat the incident anyway or interfere at all in any form then the case ends.
If they do not come to a conclusion then they can hand in a protest.
I'm suggesting this since many incidents were clearified this way and because I am confident that thus a better atmosphere and automaticly better circumstances are given.
2.7: The rulebooks:
2.71: The rulebooks need a directory / table of content at the beginning and legal statements / clarifications at the end.
2.7.2: The rulebooks have too many grammatic and spelling mistakes. I would gladly help here.
Of course one cannot tell people how to drive or even force them to drive a certain way. But there should be something like a recommendation by NDR. The point is: You can either race for positions all time, which is more fun but also much more risky OR u can drive tactical and as effective as possible. This especially means faster cars pass inside and using draft to pass is done on the straight.
What can be obliged is SENSITIVE DRIVING. If I was an admin I would punish the hell out of people driving like barbarians.
3.1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV5KoGOdcns :
This video is simply lovely. The muic , the pictures and and speaker fit perfectly together. The soundtrack and the text create this good old times - 80s/90s - atmosphere. More of this please!
(Deko can u tell me names of track and author please?)
3.2: Posters:
Except for the 2009 GP of Japan, the Mediathek stuff is not much of a deal. To be honest the rest is just bad. LFSn00b's 500 poster for an instant is incomparably better - of course u must imagine it without the crashing:
3.3: If u want to have a big audience u must use every chance and possibility advertise.
- I would like to thank NDR for organising all these leagues and events.
- I have the personal need to thank Thilo for great skin templates. If it wasn't for him I'd probably never have made an at least a bit satisfying, own, self-made skin. Also thanks for the skin offers.
- I would appreciate it if u guys involved me in the trappings.
- It is nice to have fun outside the track. Just two things I laughed hard on:
- http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1197755#post1197755
- http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=57051 (a little hint in case u don't notice it: mind huntty's posts)
two more to come:
- restrictions post
- participants post
The following topics are sorted by a chronological order, since there are at least two of them equal in importance.
1.: Protests
1.1: 02.05.09, Grand Prix of Westhill:
One race later, 16.05.09, British Grand Prix in South City Town Course:
04 Rudy van Buren removes a competing driver from the grid.
No penalty, no warning, no protests, no reaction or consequences at all.
Admins how do u explain this? Satisfying explanation demanded.
1.2: 16.05.09, British Grand Prix in South City Town Course:
- Admin Hynninen: says something concerning the race.
- 04 Rudy van Buren: "Shut up while racing!" - Admin Hynninen: "Did u even listen to what i said ?!"
- No penalty, no warning, no protests, no reaction or consequences at all.
Admins how do u explain this? Satisfying explanation demanded.
1.3: 2009 Kyoto 500:
1.3.1: 123 Ronald Kasemier is put on probation period for no reason / absolutely nothing. His behaviour throughout the sessions and the race is reproachless.
An apology from the admins for this unexcusable injustice is demanded. Of course the penalty must be canceled.
1.4: Quote from an NDR rulebook: "... the Race Director has the option to recall the Safety Car and restart the race
with not all cars caught up."
The driver, who, unlike the author of this ununderstandably idiotic idea and the race director beeing just as ununderstandably idiotic by supporting it, is not an idiot, has the right to inform both of them about the fact that they are unfair idiots.
so far the formal part.
2.: Critics and improvement suggestions (no order from here on)
I agree on the first part (marked in blue). On the rest i totally disagree, since it sais that we cannot do anything about stupid behaviour. This is as wrong as it gets. It sais that at a certain point a limit is reached and nothing can be done about it. This cannot be it, can it? If you base on that then there will never be improvement. Instead one never must be satisfied and always develop further, become better. This can be done by improving the driving, improving the way of usage of the driving devices and by improving oneself, the way one behaves and interacts. All this can be done without spotters ... seriously ... how low can one's expectations be?
2.2 the ventrilo recording:
Something which actually should be as clear as it gets: FM-Team, it is not about the race director beeing allowed to record or not, it is his duty! He must do everything in favor of an as just as possible management.
2.3 the restrictions:
NDR I would like to ask u something:
- Do u like the dirt FIA, Max Mosley, ... ?
- Do u know that anyone liking them is a piece of dirt?
- Do u want to be among those pieces of dirt?
No? Why do u do the same as them then? This is the introduction for a discussion i would like to have with u. The point are the numberless restrictions u enforce. The arguments against restrictions couldn't be stronger. Just compare the sorry state motorsport is in now with the glorious time until the millenium.
2.4 the pits:
U guys already made a great decision by putting as harmless marks as possible on the track (the cones) which seperate the race area from the pit road and mark the point from where the leader may step down after yellow. Unfortunately even those cones are too dangerous and affect the racing too much. Lines, such as used in other context, would be much better and safer.
2.5: the good:
It always is the trappings which make something better or worse. The programme u guys did for the Kyoto 500 is something truly great. If u ask me there shoud be a special effort put in such trappings. The programme simply is an excellent enrichement to the whole. Just two little things: The grid on page 14 is designed strange. U should have made either only the first row or the first 3 rows big. Then the cars should either show in straight direction or be shown from the side and that going left, not right.
so far for now.
U find it is a lot of hard critics expressed all unmasked and at once? Well I've told u once and I'll tell u again: I only criticise what is important or at least matters to me. I dare dream of NDR becoming much more than it already is.
I'll keep adding things.
with the wish to soon hear about the next oval event