I also think that It should be legalised, not because it has any benefits, being a currently illegal drug i do not honestly beleive it should be. But then i do think all drugs should be made legal for a few reasons.
Now granted, not all drugs are safe and many have serious health implications... but it isnt like these health issues are un-known or not spoken about left right and centre. People who take drugs illegally make that decission for themselves (on the vast majority of occasions) and thus should have a general concept of the risks and (if any) benefits of taking that drug.
I am not saying legalise drugs then let people drive or practice as a doctor as that is endangering anothers health other than that of the 'user'.
Also one thing that gets on my nerves. (Warning may be harsh). Is that people who die of illegal drug overdoses, like the teenagers who died from taking mephedrone, get onto the national news channels and we are made to feel sorry for them. In the friendliest way possible what a load of turd. These 'idiots' chose to take drugs and payed the consequences... no sympathy from me is given and i cant understand why it would be given by other people.
As far as I am concerned legalise ALL drugs with a few ground rules such as driving whilst high put in place and let the idiots who choose to 'use' drugs use them and pay whatever consequences they deserve for doing so.