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S3 licensed
I had same problem with newest Logitech's driver Logitech Gaming Software 32-bit v5.08.146 (2009-09-16).
But older version Logitech Gaming Software 32-bit v5.00.182 (2005-04-28) is working properly, please install this.
But I have question about wheel turn degrees. Is it possible to made automatic degrees settings for G25 depend by selected car in LFS? If I choice the UF1, then wheel should set to 720 degrees. If I choice the MRT, the wheel should set the 270 degrees automatically. It is not working, then I do it manually in Logitech Profiler (outside/exit LFS and set it in Windows), but can be automatized it? There is "Wheel Turn degrees" setting slider in Options->Control, but it is never work. I heard that this should to work automatically with G25 (without scripting in LFS), how it is can make to working?
S3 licensed
I'm also owner of G25 wheel controller, and I was prefered also right foot braking at beginnig as in real street car. But after more practices, and learning and reading about racing technique, now I'm using the all combinations as it is possible. If I'm driving 3 pedal car, I'm using clutch, and standardly braking with right foot, but I'm always ready to brake with left foot if it is necessary, according to situation. When I'm driving 2 pedals car (as GTR with sequential shifter or formula), then I'm standardly braking with left foot. But this all need more racing experiences, and practices. It is not possible to do perfectly at first time.
I'm racing with more configurations (street cars, GTR, formula, manual H-shifter or sequential, with or without clutch), then I have tuned my racing cockpit for settings to all these configurations. ... Kig/11112009%28007%29.jpg ... EN0/04112009%28003%29.jpg ... lRI/18092009%28001%29.jpg
Here in last photo, I can slide the pedal set to left or right side for ideal position for street cars and also for formula without clutch. For reason, always the used pedals must be centered. If I'm using 3 pedals configuration with clutch (street car), it have standard position as in street cars. If i'm using 2 pedals configuration (GTR or formula with sequential shifter), then slide pedals to left side (centered must be brake and throttle).
Shifter is also movable. Sequential is UP close to wheel as in racing cars. H-shifter is DOWN, close to seat and handbrake as in street cars.
S3 licensed
Sorry I forget,
as say Inouva, the ATI 9600Pro is older card, it may be, that you will need to install most older version of Catalyst (older as last good 9.8). Radeon9600Pro cards from the years 2002-2003-2004, that drivers optimalisation may be best on these years, and few years after it. If Catalyst 9.8 will not good, then try most older version.
S3 licensed
ATi 9600PRO has been excelent graphics cards, in nice old times when AMD was not present in ATI. But from AMD times there are many problems with ATI cards and drivers (cca from 2005-2006, from Radeon HD2000 series). And most worse are newest style Catalyst versions from 9.10. There are 2 solutions:
1. Install drivers only, but not whole Catalyst pack, as said VoiD.
or next better solution
2. Download and install older Catalyst version up to 9.8 (but NO newer), and intall it fully whole Catalyst pack.

Older Catalysts up to 9.8 (may be 9.9) are better as 9.10 and all newer! (I have tested most Catalyst versions from 2000 up to 10.1 with many ATI Radeon cards)
S3 licensed
Quote from tommer :Hi all,

I was thinking, perhaps as a small improvement maybe it could be an option to have the indicators making the 'tick tock' sound when you turn them on? Would be kinda cool :P

Sorry if it's a silly idea, but I thought i'd share it anyway

- Tommer

YES, YES, YES. I agree with you. It is very easy to do for developer (add the tick-tock sound), but it could be better feeling during driving. I'm normally using the indicator when I going to PIT during race or qualification, or if I want to leave to pass me with other racer. Additional sound is very good idea, and it is no hard work for developers to implement it.
S3 licensed
If realistic, then I have one question about LFS cars.
It is possible, that these cars:
have manual clutch with sequentil stick gearbox (no paddle) ? It is not totally clear for me, that when is applied manual clutch and when autoclutch in what LFS cars. All cars with the sequential stick (no paddle) gearbox have 3 pedals? And clutch must by normally used at shift-up or shift-down? Then all LFS cars have 3 pedals, except BF1? Can somebody provide reliable informations about clutch and using of the clutch in LFS cars: FBM, FOX, FO8, MRT, XFR, XRR, FXR ???
I need to know it, because I have real hardware configuration, and I want to use it right and most real as it is possible.
My config: ... JIg/30112009%28012%29.jpg

PS: For example, in Aston Martin DBR9 (GTR race car)
http://www.astonmartinracing.c ... f3b-a6a1-0289eb580e48.jpg
there is two or three pedals in real? I'm sure that this car have sequential stick (no paddle) gearbox, but question is, that there is existing the clutch pedal, and if must be used it at up/down shift???
S3 licensed
When I had the my G25 wheel on the desk I can not set more force as 40 at road cars and 15-20 at GTR cars due to desk instability. But when I have it installed to the cockpit I have 90% force setting at street cars and 80(90)% at GTR cars. Of course all other setting are realistic as it is possible. Most-Most-Most realistic. ... JIg/30112009%28012%29.jpg
FREX GP SimConMOTION settings or presets or filters
S3 licensed
Anybody racers, please can somebody provide me some informations about FREX GP SimCon settings of MOTION? There is many settings (average, vibration, 5x threshold, 5x speed, and other). I know, Frex have some manual of SimConMOTION software about basic settings as vertical and horizontal speed and slip wave settings (, these are clear and I understand it, and have tested it - OK. But on right side, there are more settings, but about these are not informations. Regardless of left or right side setting, there are many settings that can made very perfect and precision MOTION for all simulators and car types. My question is, can you provide me some informations or recommendations or web links or precision documentation about these many settings of SimConMOTION? At this time I'm racing with Live for Speed simulator software (that have very precision physics) and there are many car types from small 41kW street cars through small/big GTR race cars of any power and other types up to more formula types up to F1 race car. All cars have different parameters or power or acceleration or stability on road. According to this there should be better, when all cars have self precision Frex MOTION settings. My question is: Existing there some manual about Frex MOTION precision settings recommended for each car types for correct moving of actuators and forces for all cars types from easy street cars up to hard race cars? It should be better to get very best precision settings from Frex for most precision feeling and car control during race. Existing there that manual or descriptions or recommendations about most precision setting for each car type?
S3 licensed
Quote from obsolum :That's quite a cockpit you've got there petervsp! I wonder how you analog handbrake works in LFS, though, as I always thought that LFS doesn't support analog controls for the handbrake. It's either on or off, no?

LFS is supporting many analog controllers including handbrake, and View/Look with analog controller. If you have these analog controllers, you can easily configure it to LFS. You calibrate the axis and then assign axis to their function. If you don't have more analog controllers (only classical wheel and pedals) you can easily test other functions by assigning the wheel or pedal to analog handbrake or view/look for example. Of course then you can not driving if you assign the wheel to other funftion, but you can test that function if you interested about it. Try it, it is fun
S3 licensed
Hello bobbyfish!
I absolute agree with you! I'm also totally prefer the absolute most realistic driving as it is possible in the LFS simulator, regardless that other people using paddles, small wheel lock and without clutch. Using all pedals and shifter and 720-900 wheel lock is disadvantage against them who using NFS or other arcade game controller settings, but important for me is realism and driving experience and pleasure/enjoyment at racing and driving the car - it is highest priority for me. Be winner is secound priority for me. For maximum realism I'm playing LFS and not NFS or GTA
I'm driving all LFS car as it is defined at that original parameters (clutch, shifter sequential/paddle/H, real wheel lock/turn) and also have made analog handbrake for more handbrake realism! In past times when there were not possible to get more realistic game controller wheel on the market, I had Thrustmaster, but I made analog clutch for it! Here are photos about my first Thrustmaster wheel with homemade clutch and latter the homemade handbrake with Logitech G25. ... jYzQE&feat=directlink
And then this was my cockpit: ... 02006-2008%20%2804%29.jpg
And then I begun the works on new professional cockpit: ... nz6AE&feat=directlink ... iMpgE&feat=directlink
Most precision pedal settings and mounting with LoadCell sensor, and possibilities to set the pedals to LEFT or RIGHT side especially for each car type (with or without clutch as road cars or formulas) ... oGqGw&feat=directlink
And the dashboard manufactoring: ... 3ngAE&feat=directlink

Now whole cockpit is complete for 99%, but there are still remaining dashboard lights. I'm still working on it. But final photos will comnig if you want see it, also video will coming, but after if it will totally complete. There no many work remaining, but I'm independent from my friend who know programming and from his free time for me, because there is need additional works with electronics and programming.
Now I have professional cockpit with all functions as in real car (motion system, wheel up to 900, analog handbrake, movable and switchable H/SEQ-shifter for street or race cars, movable pedals for precision position for each car with LoadCell), but there I have still problems with skill I not need to drive NFS or GTA or other unrealistic GAMES. I need most realistic simulator (what LFS is best), but there need many practice and skill. I have still problem with heel-and-toe technique. It is too hard to me learn it. It could be better with professional race teacher, because now I'm learning it based only to my own experiences. But things what I can made with smaller cars as UF1 or XFG, that I can do it in real life with real cars with same parameters. But I have not access to real race cars and GTR cars, unfortunatelly. It's all at this time, but if you interested about final cockpit photos and videos, then let me know it, and I will inform you about it.

Also sorry for my bad english
S3 licensed
I want write only my view on autoinstall and install setups.
I very like the LFS packed in ZIP file!!! It is best and clean solution, and very easy, to unzip the file and run lfs.exe - I like it!
I NOT prefer the setup files and autoinstall files, mainly NOT "*.msi" installation files, or some Microsoft installers - it is biggest garbage!
LFS is very good and clean software!!! It is not write or leave garbage files in the OS system or registers!!!
Dear developers, please leave it so clean as before.
I understand that some people prefer the autoinstall or setup files, so make it for them, but make it so easy and clean as you write in first topic. Make only easiest and simplest installer what unzip the LFS do determinated drive and folder, make few icons and it's all. Please DO NOT make the extensive installer what write many garbage files to OS system and garbage items to register.
My suggestion is, that if you make the some installer - OK, but leave also possibility to download the clean ZIP file version, what can be unpacked as before without installation processing.
Thank you.
S3 licensed
Quote from Sjoenne : ... VLFSDash_v0.2.1_setup.exe

Here you go - and here is a link to the thread

Thank you very much.
It is very good looking
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
YES, I'm adding my vote to this suggestion, it is very good idea:
Serpentine road to big mountain, for Rallye purposes:
There should be created the track with many corners and serpentine roads to the big mountain. Beginning and end of the road (track) can be connected together as all other tracks in LFS (to loop / circuit). The road on the one side on the big mountain going UP and on other side of the big mountain is going DOWN and then down around the big mountain going back to the start line. Can be created this track type in LFS?
S3 licensed
YES, I'm adding vote to this reuest and adding few words of my suggestion.
As in real race, in the Pit Box stop, there if car is stopped, one of the team man put the STOP table (Lollipop) on the engine bonnet. It can be fix painted passive table, or electronical type with red, yellow, green lights. Whether electronical type or passive table, leave this decission on the developers.
Then if pit service going to the end of car repair, tyre changes, refueling, then table (Lollipop) will change to yellow and if all is done, then change it to green or GO and car can go back on the track (race). It make possibilities to false start from PIT, but will be penalized, something as false race start. But it make more realistic race feeling. Can be created this in LFS?
S3 licensed
Yes I'm adding my vote to this request. Fuel Light/Reserve is very good idea.
Optical (Light on tachometer/dashboard) and acoustical (PIP sound) signaling if the Reserve Tank/Fuel reached. When fuel reach the Reserve level in tank, then it should be signaling by optical light and acoustical PIP sound in dashboard. This signaling (light and PIP) should be activated at every new starting of engine, when fuel is on reserve - as in real car. For more flexibility if you want, it can be configured by user. Level of reserve tank may be configured by user (% or liters), and this signaling can be turned ON or OFF button by user in LFS configuration menu. Existing of this Reserve Tank/Fuel signalling is very requested, but possibility of modification or configuration of reserve level not must be existing. It can be programmed on fix value as in real car (can not be modified the reserve level). Each car may have his own reserve level tank (threshold level for signalling of reserve tank). Users who want this Reserve Tank signaling, they can turn ON this feature, and users who don't want this, they can turn OFF this signaling.
S3 licensed
Sjoenne, how or where I can get the Virtual LFS Outgauge Dashboard? I want it. Please can you provide it for me? Thank you.
S3 licensed
Hello to all,
it is nice log about most suggestions. But I have one question. Any suggestion what is written to the "Live for Speed > Main > Improvement Suggestions" threads, it is seen by LFS developer team? He is accepting these suggestions? Because I can not found any reply from LFS developers/programmers, it is looking as forum where only LFS users are discussing about LFS improvements. But there are no any statements from the developers. Have these suggestions any effect? OK, I know, that here are more hardly performable or impossible suggestions, but also here are more rational/effective, easily performable suggestions, what are can be done at all next LFS patch/update version.
How it is about these suggestions? Can somebody describe it? Thank you.
S3 licensed
YES it is very good idea, I'm agree with this, and here is my suggestion:

About Reserve Tank/Fuel:
Optical (Light on tachometer/dashboard) and acoustical (PIP sound) signaling if the Reserve Tank/Fuel reached. When fuel reach the Reserve level in tank, then it should be signaling by optical light and acoustical PIP sound in dashboard. This signaling (light and PIP) should be activated at every new starting of engine, when fuel is on reserve - as in real car. For more flexibility if you want, it can be configured by user. Level of reserve tank may be configured by user (% or liters), and this signaling can be turned ON or OFF button by user in LFS configuration menu. Existing of this Reserve Tank/Fuel signalling is very requested, but possibility of modification or configuration of reserve level not must be existing. It can be programmed on fix value as in real car (can not be modified the reserve level). Each car may have his own reserve level tank (threshold level for signalling of reserve tank). Users who want this Reserve Tank signaling, they can turn ON this feature, and users who don't want this, they can turn OFF this signaling. Can be realized it in LFS?
S3 licensed
YES, I'm very agree, here is my suggestion:

Odometer is missing on the tachometer or dashboard. LFS is counting the kilometers (traveled distance) on LFSWORLD, it is good idea, but not counting kilometers in the car during driving on the road or off-road. There should be odometer in tachometer or on the dashboard to view all traveled distance in real time. All cars (or at least road cars or not-formula type cars) should have his own odometer (saved traveled distance of the car from first LFS install), one permanent odometer, and second one with reset possibilities by user - as in real car. First odometer should count kilometers from first drive (from first launching of LFS), and should not be reseting. And second odometer should count same kilometers, but it should be with reset possibility. Each car should have his own odometer with own traveled distance. There may be third odometer (permanent) (if you want) with all summary traveled distance with all cars (same counter as on LFSWORLD). Can be realized it in LFS?
S3 licensed
YES, Favorite is need!

Favorities in the Multiplayer -> Hosts/Servers:
There is recommended to make possibilities for save the Favorites servers in the Multiplayer. Because each user have few his own favorities servers what using more frequently as other public servers. It is better solution to choice server directly from Favorities server list, as switching to the other application window every time (to copy the exact server name), when you want connect to your favorities servers what is not listed in "Display List of Hosts". To choice directly from saved Favorities is quicker as browse the whole Display List of Hosts". It is more usefull to save your favorities servers to the "Favorities List of Hosts" with possibilities of custom renaming of these saved host names, according to your requested custom name of host. Then host in this "Favorities List of Hosts" can be saved and renamed by user. Then user can easily and quickly choice the host from Favorities list (of few favorite hosts), what want to connect. Can be realized it in LFS?
S3 licensed
YES, I very want it!

Favorities in the Multiplayer -> Hosts/Servers:
There is recommended to make possibilities for save the Favorites servers in the Multiplayer. Because each user have few his own favorities servers what using more frequently as other public servers. It is better solution to choice server directly from Favorities server list, as switching to the other application window every time (to copy the exact server name), when you want connect to your favorities servers what is not listed in "Display List of Hosts". To choice directly from saved Favorities is quicker as browse the whole Display List of Hosts". It is more usefull to save your favorities servers to the "Favorities List of Hosts" with possibilities of custom renaming of these saved host names, according to your requested custom name of host. Then host in this "Favorities List of Hosts" can be saved and renamed by user. Then user can easily and quickly choice the host from Favorities list (of few favorite hosts), what want to connect. Can be realized it in LFS?
S3 licensed
YES, i'm very agree, I want it!

Favorities in the Multiplayer -> Hosts/Servers:
There is recommended to make possibilities for save the Favorites servers in the Multiplayer. Because each user have few his own favorities servers what using more frequently as other public servers. It is better solution to choice server directly from Favorities server list, as switching to the other application window every time (to copy the exact server name), when you want connect to your favorities servers what is not listed in "Display List of Hosts". To choice directly from saved Favorities is quicker as browse the whole Display List of Hosts". It is more usefull to save your favorities servers to the "Favorities List of Hosts" with possibilities of custom renaming of these saved host names, according to your requested custom name of host. Then host in this "Favorities List of Hosts" can be saved and renamed by user. Then user can easily and quickly choice the host from Favorities list (of few favorite hosts), what want to connect. Can be realized it in LFS?
S3 licensed
YES, YES, YES I'm very agree!

About analog configured handbrake:
I'm using the analog handbrake system, and there is feature what should be more realistic in LFS as it is now - in my opinion.
Button handbrake behaviour is OK, but if handbrake is set to analog handbrake controller, then if stop the car and analog handbrake is only little activated for very short time (half only) and then is released physically, but LFS software leave the handbrake fully activated. If button handbrake is configured, it is good solution. But analog handbrake, in the software should have same behaviour exactly as physically analog handbrake. There should be same position or level of handbrake activation in LFS as real position or level activation of real analog handbrake, regardless if car is moving or stopped. Analog handbrake automatic activation can be accepted before first start in race (to avoid the penalities for car move before race start), but once the car is moved from start position, at each next stop should be the analog handbrake real behaviour exactly same as actual position of real analog handbrake. I know, that there are users with rallye/race type of handbrake, and actual version is optimised for this rallye type of handbrake without arrestment. But there are also road cars in game, and I have installed handbrake with arrestment (from classic road car), what can be activated full brake for any long time without pressing the button or keeping of handbrake. For this type of handbrakes, there can be update of real behaviour of analog handbrake in LFS. For better flexibility, it can be expanded with additional checkbox (or ON/OFF switch/button) in LFS software, for switch between old automatic handbrake activation (as it is now - rallye type), and between new recommended analog handbrake real behaviour. Can be realized it in LFS?
S3 licensed
YES, YES, YES i'm very agree! Here is my suggestion:

Favorities in the Multiplayer -> Hosts/Servers:
There is recommended to make possibilities for save the Favorites servers in the Multiplayer. Because each user have few his own favorities servers what using more frequently as other public servers. It is better solution to choice server directly from Favorities server list, as switching to the other application window every time (to copy the exact server name), when you want connect to your favorities servers what is not listed in "Display List of Hosts". To choice directly from saved Favorities is quicker as browse the whole Display List of Hosts". It is more usefull to save your favorities servers to the "Favorities List of Hosts" with possibilities of custom renaming of these saved host names, according to your requested custom name of host. Then host in this "Favorities List of Hosts" can be saved and renamed by user. Then user can easily and quickly choice the host from Favorities list (of few favorite hosts), what want to connect. Can be realized it in LFS?