He only needs to transfer the money the normal way to a normal bank-account of someone here in this forum. Then this "someone" buys the voucher code online and sends it to him via mail...
The FZR sounds like a Porsche 911 RSR 3.0 from the 70s/80s
The XRR sounds like a Ford Capri 3100RS from the 70s/80s
The other cars have it's "own" sounds ;-)
You need to put LFS ingame sounds to the following values for best quality:
Car: 10.0
Tyre: 1.0
Wind: 1.0
Echo: 1.0
Set the original LFS engine sound down to about 10% of it's normal value. (just to "underline" CSR)
Set the original LFS dump valve muffler to the most quiet value.
Set the original LFS gear shift sound to the most quiet value.
I have noticed that the G27 LEDs light up for example with FXR/XRR in every camera position, but with FZR I have to go to the cockpit sight once. Only then the LEDs start lighting up for FZR (after cockpit sight i can go into every other camera position).
My FFB is not affected by this tool in any way (Win 7 x64).
Sometimes my LEDs aren't turned off, too (after closing LFS).
- and click "Click Here to Download MSCOMCTL.OCX" for download!
- when done, copy the file into C:\Windows\System32 with 32-Bit Windows. Use C:\Windows\SysWOW64 for 64-Bit Windows!
- Press "Start", choose "Run" (in german: "Ausführen"), type "cmd" and press ENTER. The command window opens.
- type:
1. cd..
2. cd.. (stop when it just says "C:\>")
3. cd c:\windows\system32 (now you are in this folder) or
cd c:\windows\syswow64 (now you are in this folder)
4. regsrv32 mscomctl.ocx
I use CSR and NO LFS sound!
The XRR sounds completely like a Ford Capri, just the starter sucks. I already uploaded a video to youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGGRppLYF8E