Hey, sorry for the delay, had to work much..
Ok I tested again.
v1.03 with debug mode 1 and G27 + CSP connected:
*** G27 LEDs mod for LFS proxy DLL version 1.03 loaded ***
Running on Windows x86_64
- DI::EnumDevices> Enumeration complete, found 0 G27s
- DI::EnumDevices> Enumeration complete, found 0 G27s
- DI::EnumDevices> Enumeration complete, found 1 G27s
with 1.03 it doesn't work for me anymore!
with 1.02 all is ok!
I use a G27 and Fanatec ClubSport Pedals (both connected via USB)
here is what g27dbg says:
*** G27 LEDs mod for LFS proxy DLL version 1.03 loaded ***
Running on Windows x86_64
- DI::EnumDevices> Enumeration complete, found 0 G27s
- DI::EnumDevices> Enumeration complete, found 0 G27s
- DI::EnumDevices> Enumeration complete, found 1 G27s
also keep in mind that the potentiometers are slightly loose so you may rotate them a little bit. move them so that you reach full throttle/brake a little earlier.
It's just about 1mm or so.