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S2 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :After some racing yesterday i can say that crash detection works a lot better now, in all situations (car-car, car-barrier, car-tires etc)

I remember the scattered tires on FE being mischievous suspension breakers, now they do next to nothin to the car.

I can not agree with that.
For example: Yesterday me and 2 teammates went cruising on a Z30-server with OTC (open track configuration) and when I wanted to push my teammate slowly into the pits,
he began to move 5m in front of me!!!
his engine was off and he didn't brake
I didn't even touch him and he got pushed by my car!
It happened with 2 XFGs

And in some other races you just fly away if you get contact with some other car...
It definately needs a rework.

I can't open the replay with mprEdit v0.4.0, so I upload the whole replay for you on Rapidshare!
It happens between 2h 7min. - 2h 9min.
please have a look at it
Last edited by phoenixIlooka, .
S2 licensed
I just asked in the programmers forum and hope they can help!
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :Travis forgot to compile the exe again... that's why

Before I even try and do that I have a question: How is it even supposed to work? I get nothing but 'Outsim enabled' in LFS and 'Outsim timed out' in the app itself? Problem at my end (firewall blocking perhaps?) or should something else too be updated?

In the original thread a few persons had this problem, too.
Maybe you can find a solution there.

For example I just excluded the whole LFS-folder from observation in my firewall program.
S2 licensed
It doesn't work..
It's the same as it was before..
S2 licensed
It is this thread: ... 37&highlight=camlevel

I already asked but I don't think the author will work on that again...
And I don't know any other python programmer as you were right - i'm not a programmer
S2 licensed
I tried to change 4 to 5, but the tool just does the same as before, like if I didn't change anything?!

Isn't the "" the file i need to change? because it's the only one where i can see such plausible code regarding the insim version.
Do I have to get the source code and compile a new exe? Because I never did that..

Or what do I have to do with python? what is it?
Last edited by phoenixIlooka, .
S2 licensed
first: LOL, ALT+F4?? xD xD xD
Wouldn't the game close then?

ah ok, I didn't know that, thank you!
But can I also assume other "normal" keys to the indicators?
Because if i need them on my keyboard, ALT+... is not really better than 7,8,9^^
S2 licensed
I have a small and hopefully easy request to Scawen:

I've had this in my mind since a few years now, and as cruising becomes real intersections now, would it be possible that we are able to put the turn-indicator-lights (blinkers?) on other, individual keys (e.g. on the steering wheel)?
Getting CamLevel to work with Z30
S2 licensed
hey guys / Scawen!

after INSIM_VERSION was increased to 5, for example the insim-tool "camlevel" ( ... 37&highlight=camlevel) doesn't work anymore because it won't work with any other version than 4, like it says in it's programming in "":

# Try to connect to LFS...
insim = socket.socket()
connected = False
while not(connected):
print 'Attempting to connect to LFS on port', insimport, '...'
version = is_ver.unpack(insim.recv(20))
if version[6] != 4:
print 'Wrong InSim version, (expected 4, got', version[6],',) exiting...'
connected = True
print 'Connected to LFS...'
except socket.timeout:
print 'LFS did not respond to connection attempt, waiting 5 seconds...'
except socket.error:
print 'Could not connect to LFS, check that InSim ports match.'

can I do anything about this? I'd really like to use the tool furthermore..
Last edited by phoenixIlooka, . Reason : code
S2 licensed
can anybody update camlevel to Insim Version 5? It uses 4 and won't connect anymore to Z30... -.-
S2 licensed
Scawen already explained this
S2 licensed
Team name: Team»ev0 #1
Starting Number (0-999): 7
Drivers (real name, LFSWorld, Nation):
- Marco Schnieders, phoenixilooka, DEU
Last edited by phoenixIlooka, .
S2 licensed
Quote from DarkKostas :Scawen, when you mentioned that you fixed a bug when multiple players were connecting, do you mean that the Player has no car? Also is it possible so when someone connects or when he is about to time out, we can still pit/spec/change options?

THAT would be really nice
S2 licensed
really nice, looking forward to it
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
you have to remove the pw, read a few pages back, it came up here i think
S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :Check filesize, it doesn't contains actual video data. You have to import batch of .bmp's into AE to have video track.

Hey, could you explain it more detailed, please?
S2 licensed
ok, I am a noob in AE, I don't get it...

I've loaded the script into AE, but the "screen" is black... just the length of the video is correct..
S2 licensed
heyhey, i got Adobe After Effects CS5 now, but the file format to import doesn't fit.. LFS Record exports a "AFX JavaScript File (.jsx)" -file and AE is able to import "Adobe After Effects Project (.aep)", "Adobe After Effects Project Template (.aet)" or "Adobe After Effects XML Project (.aepx)" how to do this?
S2 licensed
@ morpha: yeah you were right, i used ENB
but i'd like to use it in the video, too... -.-

now i got 13GB of BMP-pictures for about 40secs.
is there a free program you would recommend for making these pics to a video?
S2 licensed
I actually try to make a small video and starting/stopping playback is no problem at all,
but when i say "start recording" it full-screens LFS and says "Could not save surface to file".

What do i have to do about this?

you can download the needed files here:
user: ftpuser
pw: schweineeimer