I can not agree with that.
For example: Yesterday me and 2 teammates went cruising on a Z30-server with OTC (open track configuration) and when I wanted to push my teammate slowly into the pits,
he began to move 5m in front of me!!!
his engine was off and he didn't brake
I didn't even touch him and he got pushed by my car!
It happened with 2 XFGs
And in some other races you just fly away if you get contact with some other car...
It definately needs a rework.
I can't open the replay with mprEdit v0.4.0, so I upload the whole replay for you on Rapidshare!
It happens between 2h 7min. - 2h 9min. https://rapidshare.com/files/459278107/AS5X_27R.mpr
please have a look at it
I already asked but I don't think the author will work on that again...
And I don't know any other python programmer as you were right - i'm not a programmer
I tried to change 4 to 5, but the tool just does the same as before, like if I didn't change anything?!
Isn't the "camlevel.py" the file i need to change? because it's the only one where i can see such plausible code regarding the insim version.
Do I have to get the source code and compile a new exe? Because I never did that..
first: LOL, ALT+F4?? xD xD xD
Wouldn't the game close then?
ah ok, I didn't know that, thank you!
But can I also assume other "normal" keys to the indicators?
Because if i need them on my keyboard, ALT+... is not really better than 7,8,9^^
I have a small and hopefully easy request to Scawen:
I've had this in my mind since a few years now, and as cruising becomes real intersections now, would it be possible that we are able to put the turn-indicator-lights (blinkers?) on other, individual keys (e.g. on the steering wheel)?
after INSIM_VERSION was increased to 5, for example the insim-tool "camlevel" (http://www.lfsforum.net/showth ... 37&highlight=camlevel) doesn't work anymore because it won't work with any other version than 4, like it says in it's programming in "camlevel.py":
# Try to connect to LFS... insim = socket.socket() connected = False while not(connected): try: print 'Attempting to connect to LFS on port', insimport, '...' insim.connect(('localhost',insimport)) insim.send(is_isi.pack(44,1,1,0,outsimport,0,0,0,0,'','CamLevel')) version = is_ver.unpack(insim.recv(20)) if version[6] != 4: print 'Wrong InSim version, (expected 4, got', version[6],',) exiting...' time.sleep(5) sys.exit() else: connected = True print 'Connected to LFS...' except socket.timeout: print 'LFS did not respond to connection attempt, waiting 5 seconds...' time.sleep(5) except socket.error: print 'Could not connect to LFS, check that InSim ports match.' time.sleep(5)
can I do anything about this? I'd really like to use the tool furthermore..
heyhey, i got Adobe After Effects CS5 now, but the file format to import doesn't fit.. LFS Record exports a "AFX JavaScript File (.jsx)" -file and AE is able to import "Adobe After Effects Project (.aep)", "Adobe After Effects Project Template (.aet)" or "Adobe After Effects XML Project (.aepx)" how to do this?
I actually try to make a small video and starting/stopping playback is no problem at all,
but when i say "start recording" it full-screens LFS and says "Could not save surface to file".
What do i have to do about this?
you can download the needed files here:
user: ftpuser
pw: schweineeimer