Bean0 I've got to the point where I don't even look at the preview, just click it, do something else while the picture downloads, and save it. And I'm never let down. Thats an awesome skin!
Well thats a horrible thing to say. If you have nothing supportive to say, say nothing at all. I think people like you could be part of Oscars problem.
Oscar, sometimes I get this feeling. It's nowhere near as bad as yours, I'm not saying it is, but maybe just try facing the world, seeing where that takes you. If you try, maybe it won't be as bad as you thought/think. If you need help or somebody to talk to, I'm open, although I'm hopeless as a psychiatrist, so don't expect me to fully solve your issue, just to mearly help and try steer you back on the right path. Just no matter how bad it seems, remember, you're still human, you're young, fit and have a lot to live for. People are in worse situations and they have pulled through, so you can to . Anyway, get well soon, and although internet isn't the best place to go, I understand it might be a last cry out as you feel nobody is listening to you, or gets what you mean. And the internet might come up with a surprising amount of ideas, try printing out a list of what we come up with and taking it to your doctor. Sometimes a doctor might just not think of something straight away, but if they see it they might realise thats whats up with you.