But is he really? A bastard is a person born from unmarried parents, and at no point do I think earmelon has mentioned or even hinted that he is a genuine bastard. I think Sam was just using bastard as an unnescessary insult just as 91mason91 did, so both should be punished together, or neither suffer at all. And what Sam is it? If it is SamH, surely insulting members and getting away with it as a moderator is even worse as he is supposed to be preventing poor behaviour, not using it which, if it goes unpunished, could be seen as promoting such behaviour?
However I write this having not seen either post, so sorry if I am wrong and offend anyone.
I hate falling over infront of people you see regularly, like people that get on the train/bus, or even worse falling into them, and worst taking them down too.
On Vista, enable the option to "Hide Inactive Icons", then press customize. There you can select if you want them to hide permenantly, when inactive or not to hide at all. Not sure if it is the same in Windows 7.