Don't you understand? Gills is too busy with more important things and can't make sounds right now! He even said it a few posts back himself. Don't request or the requests will build up and Gills might miss them.
So sorry about this, I'm just not finding the time, and my train ticket to get home from school was apparently "Invalid", despite the fact I had bought it in the morning.
So I was sat at my Dads work, and got home at 7PM. Will try do it now, but your best bet is to wait until the weekend, or get someone else on it. Just a bit disappointing as it is such a simple skin
Here are the skins, might make an RAC version later. Please edit as it is rubbish.
I'm not very good at skinning, I took this up as a challenge to help increase my skills, but it's not good, so if anyone wants to redo it, I'd be happy
EDIT: I forgot to upload to LFS World. Now done.
2nd EDIT: Fixed the problem with the lines on the FZR's front splitter, you can see them in the screenshot, but they are no longer there.