If you wouldn't mind old, I'll give you mine if my mum lets me. And some games. Sadly its the big black brick, but with two memory cards and a few games, would it be that bad?
It took me TOO LONG to find this. I might start FXO skinning now, I've been wanting to skin and this is [/post ends here due to strong language and sexual references]
If Girlfriend is 'G' and Work is 'W', then G+W=G+W.
Simplified down to nothing. Therefore you are neutral.
Found a stray dog and handed it in to vets, after making many posters and pinning them up. Still no owner claimed it, vet can't keep it, we keep it as temporary shelter for a month (hopefully) if still unclaimed its ours!
Getting on very well with girl in my class that I like very much.
Getting paid back £150 soon!
Finally set up paypal account fully.
£5-a-month iTunes credit came through. Gone in 60 seconds.
My ex added me on Facebook. Told her to eff off. Now hated by a few more, liked by a few more. Oh well.
Papa is in hospital, getting better, should be out next month.
Erm... Nothing else springs to mind.
The more artistic and cheery it is, the better. However, stuff like this: http://www.ihes.com/bcn/spanish/images/blog/graffiti.jpg is just a name and a glorified tag surely? The more mural-like the artwork, the better. I know our council let some graffiti artists spray flowers, landscapes, etc... It's very nice, better then the average "charleen luvs jordy 2k9" scrawled on a wall in black permenant marker. And I made those names up btw.
Oh I hate it when that happens. I spent ages looking for my phone, gave up, slapped my thighs and sighed, and my hand hit something hard. My phone :banghead:
I haven't even read any replies, I'm just gonna blurt out my theory, so sorry if it is a repeat of what has been said.
Global warming is a myth created by evil scientists to make us do what they say. It is also a way for the government to tax us even more, and this will make the scientists and governments feel they have even more control over us. Soon, the whole world will be like China, where we are all controlled by big-ears Brown and Obama. I think that global warming is actually just climate change rebranded, and in essence is the world warming back up after the ice age. Soon, it will probably cool down and enter another ice age, but I'm talking thousands of years away. Sure, say I'm in denail and I'm ignoring the "facts", but the way I see it the facts are false and, as I am a teenage boy, I am OBVIOUSLY correct!
EDIT: And now I've read most of this,
But to gain control of our minds, scientists will have based this on a current trend, no? Obviously, it could go either way, but if it makes it sound scary and more threatening, thats what will be said.