I'd say finding racism in anything possible is the worst kind. Especially when you pick on small things that were accidental/not meant in a harmful way.
We have a black/coloured/not white person in our year. He's so overdramatic, he calls himself n****r all the time, yet if someone offends him, having NOTHING to do with skin colour, he cries to the teachers about it and whoever spoke about him is punished. Severely.
Last week, someone mentioned chocolate in a conversation to him, he burst into tears, and punched them in the face, and the poor guy with the bleeding nose got a detention.
Its not really a fair world, its getting too PC.
The worrying thing is, if you speak against this PC-state, its automatically assumed you support the BNP, as my dad found out :S
As long as he's having fun then thats ok. He's new to rallying, he can only get better I suppose. He's come from high speeds on a wide fast track to narrow trails. It'll take some getting used to.
Although I still think Kimi should have been swapped for Loeb, I hear he was refused a license to F1.