1. The posibility to "manualy" arange on the grid (like the pit stop) after a warmup lap (ON/OFF)
2. Random mechanical failures (ON/OFF)
3. The posibility to arange servers on the number of racers, car types, ping....
4. Safety car driven by player or AI
5. Colission debry and punctures caused by this debry (i gues it is werry hard to achieve but it would be nice)
6. A message that can tell you who hit you, in cronolagical order
7. A dino will be allso interesting
8. For keyboard and keyboard/mouse drivers a separate button lock for acceleration, bracke and clutch
9. [Dead zone controll (i don't need it but i saw some people who were amused by the absence of it, so show them who's the boss)] this text was written before S2 and i see that S2 includes deadzone. I don't want to renumber the suggestions

10. People in the pits would be an verry interesting thing. This ppl should be imposible to hit (jumping out of the way...) to add a little spyce
11. A single place where you can pit, marked by the name of the player in the banner
12. The implementation of stupid FIA F1 rules, like races with the same tyres as in the qualifying, same fuel... (ON/OFF)
13. Shattering windshields, mirrors, side windows...
14. The posibility to break the engine and to stall the engine if "manual" clutch is activated
15. More dramatic colission damage with EURO NCAP style manechine drawings showing the injury of the passengers (this should be good for anti speeding campaign. And if you are really pro road safety you could introduce some on screen actual pictures of similar accidents, based on the colission force and direction)
16. Wheels should come apart
17. Pit speed limiter 4 all cars (many begginder are frustrated because of drive trough penalyties) (ON/OFF)
18. The posibility to move the virtual clocks on screen like in Porsche or diferent setups: right, midle, left...
19. different map modes: rotating, stationar, zoom
20. F1 type map section display (green, orange, purple) and the time should be displayed by section (if u screw up a section u could still have fun pushing the next section to make a record there)
21. The weather could be more complex: pressure, temperature and especially rain (you deffenetli need rain)
22. Oil spills
23. This is a long run, but.... If you get the phisycs absolutely right you could imput the info from new real cars that are not yet released and do virtual drive tests

I know some ideas are allmost crazy but i was brain storming and "the sleep of rationality can generate monsters"
Any comments?