I can play GTA 4 for about 30 mins then it crashes to desktop. Last time i got a "ZLIB20" error, but cant find anything regarding that error.
Anybody else a clue?
I knew it wouldnt go that well, so after some hours of playing without any problems and decent fps gta 4 crashed.
After the crash i started the game again and encountered the fatal error "MMA10". To fix it you need logout of Rockstar Social club and the game finally started again.
Still after about 30mins of playing the game crashed and send me back to desktop. That happened 3 times now.
And no graphic card(8800 ultra OC) was not getting too hot, its stayed nicely below 75°C.
Am installing it for 5mins now and really hope this is going to run smoothly.
After a lot of people having performance problems im not too sure about it anymore.
I mostly use the adverts to go to the toilet or buy popcorn etc. When i get back the adverts are mostly over and they play trailers of upcoming movies, which i mostly enjoy.
That is mostly a security system for wlans, which is turned off when you purchase a router. And if you are able to set it up, it wont be hard to change it again.
That an isp registers your mac adress to your ip is not common here.
Its easier than you think. Its taking less time than to renew my ip adress.