It's actually quite wrong to say that immigrants cause everything bad to happen in countries. That's not the truth.
There are mainly 2 types of immigrants.
1) The ones as I classify "alcoholics", "people from jail who emigrated", "people who emigrated to hide from police" and of course the "thiefs".
2) The normal people who emigrate to have a better life, earn more money, escape from war, get an education etc. (Like me.)
Now because of group number 1 (who are utter as*holes and deserve to be beaten to death) I have to be treated like a dumb dog in Ireland. It's pure bullsh*t. People who see immigrants in their countries should realize that some immigrants are like them (normal people (if the person realizing is normal too)) are perfectly normal people. It's extremely pis*ing off when I get discriminated because of some as*holes.
If I saw a foreign person doing something bad (whether he was Lithuanian, Polish etc.) I would do whatever I can to stop it (call Police etc.) as if I was a normal non-foreign person.
The saddest thing of all is that most of them are from group 1. Personally I think that all countries SHOULD do a check up on immigrants whenever someone comes in through the airport. Try and get any criminal records etc. from the immigrant's country, and if there are any, tell them to get the f*ck out.
Please stop the damn nonsense of "an immigrant from (X) stole my car. Those (X)'ians are damn...................".
It's not right an fair. I'm pretty sure if anyone emigrated and got discriminated, would feel the same way as me.