stoner is doing a great job and he has getting the same as mick doohan's dominant form, but Rossi entertained the crowds more with his start 16ish and finish 1st with the fastest lap on the last lap over take.
i do hope it gets sorted for next year with Melandri/Stoner on dukes and Rossi and the suzuki's hungury for success
goodluck to toseland too
p.s check out bradley smith in 125cc too as he got a repsol works bike for next year after his rookie year
most factory teams are looking at bridgestones and dropping the michelens if thats not enough proof for you.
and i watched stoner in BSB 125cc yrs ago and wish him all the best but im a spectator in the sport and want to see it all fair for the best show possible
"the only reason Stoner is doing well is because he is riding a Ducati" ROFL they havent got a championship winning bike YET :P
not a big WRC fan myself but moto gp i can help with
sadly moto gp has gone "tyre war" this yr as i would love to see Rossi Vs Stoner, but michelen have got to pull there socks up. nice to see a differnet rider have success tho
BSB & WSBK have good racing atm and is worth a watch (if you can ofc)
hope that helps
great stuff i'm loving seeing the fairy tale story of Norbi
maybe even start a thread just for him so ppl can post more video's etc for us all to enjoy.
!! Go Norbi Go !!
cheaters are only here to think of themselves and spoil online gaming for all.
i say ban them and then stop internet/ISP to there home aswell, people like this dont deserve to be playing online games.
burn the heretic
played it for 2 days and found out ppl could kill me with a knife while standing over the other side of the map :P
so i stopped as it was just hackers with small brains
and yes devils elbow is nasty as i watched chris walkers get off a few years back and he flew higher than the pit trucks in pitlane
but the hairpin is the same place i seen a rider ran over by the whole field when i was a wee 9yrs old and that was half way up to the turn as he hit that little crest, it seems that corner is the one thats fatal even tho devils is the nasty corner
Maybe they could move the whole hairpin down a few yards and make a better/longer run off or add some hi-tech air fence. another option is to bulldoze that barn house and use that land to make it much safer.
as for the esses, edwins was put there to stop these crashes and all it does it cause more. i think the field behind the back straight should be brought and a whole new section added, with all the room they can make the approch to the twisty last sector alot more safer.
it wouldnt close completely as the track days are still fine aswell as the clubmans series but for the BSB/supersports i dont see them getting the race next year they lost it a few years back and had to put that silly edwin's in to help them get the race back when they should of made better runoffs etc.
sadly the ppl that matter dont want to spend there money to improve whats classed as the best domestic championship in the world on 2 wheels
i live in earl shilton 10 mins from the park and have been going there since the tender age of 5yrs old and ive seen lots of sad incidents, but these new 1000cc bikes are just to big for it.
stopping the bikes is the only way for the track to move forward tbh as that track was one of the best in the 60's attracting the likes of mike the bike and agostini, but could you see rossi and the top stars coming there now???
clubman racing is great at mallory but they can still keep the old layout just buy them god damn fields around it and they can improve runoffs etc
i do hope his brother carrys on as he didnt race this weekend, but i wouldnt blame him if he decide to stop racing.
race of the year was always a good one to watch too
its a shame to see ollie leave us before his chance at the top
also more of a shame to see ppl post it up without much heart only thinking about a quick post. All ollie gets is a R.I.P and a link. VERY SAD
Mallory park has become a death trap for riders now, hasnt the carnage in the last 2yrs BSB meetings there not shown the organizers thats it needs axeing/changing?
stop the bikes at mallory park for jeez sake
RiP milky bar kid and my heart goes with his family )