He's not a spoiled bastrd like who? He deserves to be praised; why?
I "praise" Kubica over him anytime. Why? Because he is in my eyes what a fresh young driver should be like: humble, fair and able to see his mistakes and apologise for them in public when he made something wrong. But going any further in this doesent make any sence since all you see is how Hamilton and McLaren get screwed over and over, and how the rest of the world apart from you fans hate the living thing out of them all.
And about beeing objective; thats just LOL and not worth comentating.
Thats plain ol' BS. All the fans are the same. Now one side is bitchin' and the next time the other side will be bitchin'.
And since Hamilton got into F1, all of the sudden we see a whole bunch of GBR hardcore fans here beeing the expert; thats just so cliche, and i dont even mind beeing burned for this bcz it feels damn good
Erm it migth be apropriate to say it or not; X stnads for eXtreme, therefor the complete team name is eXtreme Fusion Racing. Scipy i love u too at times.
And i would like to welcome all those new guys in the team, lets try to make it somethin speacial
I like to drive "dynamical" irl, and i started using H/T around a year ago. I now use it almost everytime, im only not using it when im too lazy. It comes handy when you wanna overtake a car and need to downshift, then reving it on dwnshift helps alot to prevent the clutch engaging braking and you have more rev and speed sooner. But to your questions, just easily try to do it, and you will soon get the feeling with engine sound and youll be able to adjust to engine lag (unless u have a very heavy HP), and eventually youll be H/T or reving the engine on downshifts perfect almost all the time. But as said it does take a good amount of time unless youre drivign the car every day for over 3 hrs.
I remeber when i was a kid and got stoned, we had some theories on our own too. My advice is get wasted some more, disscuss it some more, and then finnaly youll realise theres no point in living and if you get wasted some more after, i think there will be another news about ppl flying off the window.
Ok, it has come down to our team beeing disscredited to a very low respect, and i would just like to ask you all kindly to let this subject behind you. Although we do not care that much what other people think about us, it is not so very nice to see somebody post things about us that are not accurate or somebody posting things about us that do not know who we are. To all those spammers of this forum all i have to say is suck my balls and clean your own sh1t next time b4 you go attack us and just leave us alone.
Well as for me i left it behind me weeks ago, when this started and when i saw whats it about and that it was not meant to be serious in any point of view from our part. All this here has achieved is this nice thread get littered with strange things that should be debated privately among the ppl involved instead of releasing it here for the public at the first place. You might want to disscuss this within your lines as well, but thats just a thought. It is your thread and you can do here whatever you want. Just dont think that every thing is some great plot against anybody, bcz it only hurts ones general health and karma And i will still consider you fast and fair on track.
you are way off with this. Spam who? It looks to me that you are the ones spamming here about others people missbehawing.
We at the team did not know what was going on until he actualy sent the request and showed it to us at irc channel. And as we didnt know what was going on, and if anything we were rather worried that he would infact leave us and become a star team driver. Now i can say that we also had interest in Kaw to join us since he is good, fast and very ok guy. Its not like we have a team full of "alien" drivers, and when we found out that we are left without yet another good one, i guess thats why he did what he did.
So it is a bit harsh to say that youwe lost all the respect for us? It is your choice i dont have a problem with it. It is something he did on himself, it was not a team decission. If it would be disscussed we would suggest him to not do it. But what's dont is done. Im not apologizing for anything, its just that we consider ourselves a fair and friendly team and it pissed me off to read here about we be spammin the sh1t, bcz we dont. And the disscrediting of our team.
But in general we do not understand why majority of good guys join like top 6 teams all the time and get lost in the driver lineup, and thats what's bothering us. And while our team is looking for some (2-3) guys to be able to put a team together for Moe or such to be competitive at higher midfield, and when we constantly see fast guys joining those 6 teams, yes it pisses us off lol. But we cant do anything. I guess its a cock-o-meter thing.
And you certenly do not see us moaning and spamming the forum all the time. If anything we only wish the very best of luck with the guys new team, and thats all.
Kaw ,trully i wish you very best in the Core. They sure are a fast bunch!
Honestly, i doubt that anybody will be kind enough to make you a skin. Why not try it a bit harder by yourself? I remeber when i first made my own skin, 3 years ago. And i showed it to all my friends and stuff they was ROFLing allover the place, including me bcz it was shit. But i kept on pushing and now i can say i make "decent" skins. So my advice to you, start skinning for yourself, stick to it and get you a S2 license and it'll all be swell
You are not gonna have to put in any extra cash atm. Once you will pay for the license you will get the full S2 version of the game. No additional payment. At least not before the S3 comes out, which is gonna take some more time(years), so you dont need to worry about it at all.
Anyway, it is good to see the old farts back aagin, and if you find the time and the will to get into something else than XFG/BL1, we at teamXFR will be happy to pwn your ass
Hamilton suckz! No he don't! Yes he does! He does not, hes the sh1t! No, he is sh1t!
Actualy after reading all this, i think it is his fault that alot of ppl hate him. If the statement after CAN gp was McLarens idea, then they are stupid as a brick too. It would be a lot less damagable to just acknowledge a noob mistake and it would go the dust sooner than it will now. And looking into his interviews, to have balls to be that cocky he clearly wasn't enough bitchslapped as a kid imo, and somebody should do it soon. I wonder what would happen if the guy would be Coulthard lol. What i hope to happen is for him to get pwned this season really hard. Even in a winnig car he should get so pwned, that he will cry for a month in a dark chamber somewhere and then he will finnaly realise what a **** he was. After that, he should crawl back humbly and shatap and just drive. And maybe after 2 years he will grow into a racer trully worthy of a title.
There thast what i think and: cant touch this :P
have fun yall, just wanted to stop by and flame sh1t