wow thx Now i can also download it and play it again! I've also played a lamborghini game but don't know wich version (I've also played Lion King demo but that one crashed alot)
Well.. i've been testing out for some secret buttons today and this is what i found:
SHIFT+O = Player Options Menu
SHIFT+CTRL = Switch between show fps / time (while holding)(also hides names above cars when holding)
HOME = Reset camera when using camera from behind (for example if you drive backwards and press HOME then the camera resets)
CTRL+C = Switch between "free mouse when in full screen" and "mouse clipped to full screen"
CTRL+TAB = Switch between "hide results" and "show results"
/ = Enter a message with / (a command)
SHIFT+F8 = Switch between "network debug - On" and "network debug - Off"
Thats all i could find
Edit: found one more;
/Help = Displays all normal commands where you can change server options with (track, maxguests, ect.. see screenshot)
Edit2: found something interesting;
/key = then it says "This command needs 2 parameters" i tryed out what it was and this is how it should be used; example ; /key m brake (then m is the key that brake will be assigned to)
*verry big amazed eyes* *looks again* WOW JUST ........ WOW O_O AWESOME , YOU ARE good in letting the video move on the music that just looks beautifull Just amazing
Funny, i use the gamepad ; Logitech Wingman Rumblepad, and i have no problems with it. Only problem is that the calibration takes sometimes long, the rest of the gamepad works fine
And if you have done it before, converting cars from a game to another game, then why not make the tool yourself..?
Why didn't any CLC member told me this ?
I have just one question , mr RAYfigher.... if i have for example bought a rb4 on clc caribbean server 1 and i have also €1234, WILL i also have that on clc caribbean server 2?