It would be awesome if they would put all these things in LFS, then i would even love lfs more than i already do! (almost not possible LOL)
I imagine verry nice functions on the radio, selectable display color, custom playlist with Radiostations wich you ofcorse can listen true streaming, radio text system too working, and a iPod function so you can listen to your own MP3's, adjustable volume with keyboard buttons (or other devices),Turn on/off button too, and of course that if you put it loud enough you can hear it outside the car but with less volume if you know what i mean, and of course i almost forgot : NO RADIO IN GTR's ONLY IN ROADCARS. Working wipers WITH adjustable speed (4 speeds, with keyboard buttons or other) would be nice too (with uhm don't know how to say in english, a function so it sprays soap on the window) , IF they put rain/snow/thunder ingame too Working window would be funny too, with a manual thing for the cheap cars (UF1,XFG,XRG,LX4/6) so you see the guy spinning that thing hard to open it(LOL), and electrical onces in the more expensive cars(All the other roadcars). And ofcourse no working windows in gtr's.
NONE of this will probally ingame i think
Well i just keep on thinking of idea's that would be awesome, sometimes they come true , you never know
I'm Rik L. , I am from Netherlands.
I Know LFS since about the S1 Demo (dunno wich version)
I play LFS S2 Licensed since about may 2006.
My nickname on LFS is Rik@NL.
The most of the time i play on the server "C I T Y L I F E by CLC"
I'm also a skinner, and i'm trying to make some good things in 3dsmax.
Here's some renders of me: ... ik%40NL-LFS-All_skins.jpg
And this one: (Warning for 56k users, big size; 1600x1200) ... ion_Renders-1600x1200.jpg
I Like all cars in LFS
Oh yeah and almost the most important: I am Using Gamepad (Logitech Wingman Rumblepad)
Why are you people talking about S3? Since the LFS Dev Team hasn't been able to finish S2 yet... there is so such thing as S3 in 2-3 years from now i think. (yea maybe a concept car but not more) Let them first finish S2
:iagree: It isn't "Rice With Speed, Online Rice Simulator."
We don't even want a Need For Speed Underground Look-a-like game.. Go play that if you like it.
Come with some good idea'sillepall
-1000000(endless counting....)
Yeah, That's true . I can even drift in a XFG or (believe it or not) if i try hard, then i can drift in a UF1000...
I dont think that is even posible , and if it would be, then lfs would be verry laggy (in fps) i think, because everyone wants a diffirent shader on every little part of the car
It would be nice if you added the other cars to the program too.
You should make it like the original, so the sounds are less loud when you have the camera far away (I hope you know what i mean:tilt
This program works/is great , verry nice backsounds and radiosounds.
It would be nice if it had a female radio voice too.
Those are good things that i (and other people) can use for Cops 'n Robbers.
Can you PLEAS make cop radio sounds for Cops 'n Robbers too? (so you can press a button on keyboard or other device to play the sound)
A few examples:
"In persuit with a red XFG, Speed is way over limit"
"Suspect isn't stopping, i might have to use force!"
"Requesting backup!"
"Suspect is at roundabout"
"Suspect crashed"
"My vehicle has been broken" (dunno how i say that correct in english)
And for Normal people: (civilain people, that are being chased)
"This is the Police, Stop your vehicle now"
"This is the Police, Stop now or we have to use force"
I think you need to have some kind of server host to let the other people on the server hear it. And ofcorse you need 2 channels on the server, one for the normal people and one for the cops. Can you pleas make that too?
It would be verryverryverry nice if you would add these things , and I and many Cop 'n Robber players would be verry thankfull too :rally_dri :rolleyes:
Sorry For My Bad english, I hope you understand what i am trying to tell.