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S3 licensed
Quote from McGherkin :Such a good track for rallying Smile (Excuse my truly dreadful driving)


Layout link

Very nice layout! Could you please give me a link to this exhaust popping sound? Smile
S3 licensed
Shadows on concrete objects is a great fix Smile
But there's one thing I noticed and I'd like to ask about it - On concrete objects grip level is slightly lower (like about 0,05 - 0,1 g), why is that? Smile
Last edited by R@fiXII, .
S3 licensed
Everyone Smile
S3 licensed
I was playing typical BL1@FBM races this evening when I saw on LFSLazy window that some servers are on WE2 track... I though "what the heck??". After a second came here and... wow. After playing 1 hour on the new Westhill I can say that it was the best experience in any racing game ever. It's just pure awesomeness!
(And sometimes I wished I had a GPS navigation or something Big grin )
S3 licensed
Nah, weekend for open wheels Smile
S3 licensed
Definitely MRT! And LX would be nice too Smile
Win a Logitech G27 on [GD] team server!
S3 licensed

I'm glad to announce that Good Drivers team starts championship where winner will win a brand new Logitech G27 steering wheel.

The championship starts on 1st April at 0:00 (no, it won't be an april fools day joke)
Points can be earned through one month, after that points reset and new points standings begin.
Driver who wins two championship standings in a row (he wins champ on two months one after the another) wins G27.

Points standings can be seen by typing !ptc or !champ (It's an Airio points system).
Hacks, cheats, bump drafting etc. is strictly prohibited, anyone caught on such will be banned from the championship.

Championship takes place on GD Win a Logitech G27 server.

If you have any questions, feel free to write here! Good luck! Smile
Last edited by R@fiXII, .
S3 licensed

The last championship ended and the winner is nuno_o_antunes.
Unforunately, the interest was very low, but anyway, Dido decided to give him the voucher.

Chance to win the license is over, but GD team has something to offer. Check new thread! Smile
S3 licensed
These are some great addons! And the TV mode info looks better than in many real TV streams Big grin
S3 licensed
Server is online 24/7, it's just when it's empty it not on server list (show empty hosta is disabled by default).
For now, the last championship is active till 23. March, we had some airio problems and points did reset. So there's still a chance to win a license!
S3 licensed
Go to LFSWorld -> My LFSW Settings -> Pubstat Access tab.
Ident-Key is the thing you are looking for Wink
S3 licensed
It wouldn't cost you more than 2 minutes to find this by yourself...
S3 licensed
Quote from [Audi TT] :what?
742 racers online and 469 hosts online.

Notice how many of them is Turkish and on turkish "servers"
S3 licensed
LFS is not XFG/XRG... I liked to drive with LX on Cargame, sometimes there were quite a few ppl driving them. Or Sunday evenings with FOX... At least there was something different than constant demo stuff or GTRs (ofc I don't even want to mention crusing servers or these crazy turkish tweak'o'cheating "pists").
I deeply hope that near future will bring some new decent racing server which is not only about XFG/XRG/GTR.
S3 licensed
Quote from Litro :There are drivers who enjoy demo for years, though they have s2 licence. Smile

Hehe like me! FBM@BL1 is the best combo ever Smile
By the way, the proposal of OP is pointless, actually anyone without license can get licensed content for offline playing...

So what's the point..? It won't change anything anyway.
S3 licensed
Your scoring system idea is uhm... Stupid. LFS' multiplayer is great in it's simplicity, and with airio system it has everything that's needed. Experience, ratings, championships etc. Mix of good and not so good players in my opinion is also good as when you race with faster guy you have motivation to drive faster too Wink On the other hand, sometimes servers are full of dumb kids which can't take a single corner... But hey, that's why airio has !lock feature! Pity it's not used often, though.
S3 licensed
Eh, I hoped that these missing shadows thing is a small teaser of the upcoming new shadows system where such static vertex shading won't be needed as LFS will have full shadow mapping..... Smile

Anyway, good job, FPS increase is noticeable Smile
S3 licensed
That's why I wrote my statement doesn't apply to Turkish LFS and these stats seem to be ok just because of their huuuge devotion to LFS - take a look at LFS Worldmap Smile now - 919 online, 350 from Turkey and almost all of them on crazy turkish drag-tweak-drift konvoy pist servers Big grin join one of them and see what's going on there..
S3 licensed
I bet they were online, but just empty so that they were not visible on the server list Wink
Unfortunately, there are much fewer people around than even 1 year ago. I remember that it was very hard to join any FBM server at any time of the day and now most of them are actually empty except evenings when you can find one or two with more than 10-12 players.

(Of course it's not applicable to Turkish part of LFS)
S3 licensed
I liked to watch how much others destroy their engines due to bad downshifting... And what can I do now?
Whole online experience lost sense.

Yes, I am serious :P
S3 licensed
I took passenger's seat on Dido's E30 Smile Fantastic experience, with 400HP under the hood and 800kg of weight.
If you want to talk with dido bmw, you can often find him on FBM servers Wink
S3 licensed
GD Team congratulates Smile

Championship points starts from 0 again and we move on to last, February championship. Good luck!
S3 licensed
You can't do anything with that, the rim model has fixed size.
S3 licensed
As I've recently found LX cars very attractive and fun to drive (I wonder why so late! Big grin ), decided to make some better dash for it:

DANIEL-CRO, is it possible to make a working oil pressure gauge?
S3 licensed
At least there's some variety.