so, are you using fixed rate subdivisions or adaptive?
id recommend you to use fixed at 8-10 or even less.. maybe 7. You can get descent results in "no time"
yep, i know, VRay rules, i use it for all my Architecture projects, but it aint worth the wait for LFS renders :P
id say you should use brazil.. its much faster for object rendering..
VRay is more advanced and its all about global illumination in different techniques, ambience paremeters, environment settings and stuff used in Architectural Visualisations, etc.
I dont need any cause im not using blender..but it would be cool if you could make them all and make a little website with them. I can host them for you if you want!
i found the procedure quite simple when i imported the XRR in 3dsmax and edited all the materials etc. in order to render it..
i dont know if its that simple in blender, but why dont you do the favour and do it for us then?