
I have few advices for you. Firstly, on that 1:34.17 lap you could do 29.9x sc1 but you have wrong line in chicane, try to cut the first corner of chicane little bit more (right side wheels have to be on the top of that green curb), imo best way to learn perfect line in that chicane is to watch WR replay from lfsworld.net.
First corner of sc2 looks fine (not very good, but you have right line there, so probably after some time it will be better). You are not using the whole kerb while entering SS corners, try to go more on the left there, also you are braking for too long there, and it causes understeering in entry, so try to brake not as long, or start braking little bit earlier, or if you will improve your entry line there, you will be able to brake less, just need to use that kerb on entry

In the second SS corner (last of sc2) remember to not cut the grass too much, because you will dirty your tires, and lose grip in first corner of sc3, actually on that 34.17 lap you didn't cut it too much, you had good line there, but im just saying it for future

First corner of sc3 was good, maybe little bit too low speed, but braking point and line was almost perfect, so you don't need help there just practice

You lost a lot of time in last croner, again you was braking for too long, and little bit too much, try to start braking little bit earlier to that last corner, and let go brakes before turning in, or in the same time. And i will say it again, you was braking there too much, you can do that corner with pretty much more speed if you will have good line there (also in last corner very important is to start turning in right moment).
And generally, i've noticed that you are using heel&toe every time you downshift, basically heel&toe gives you better braking only in T1, i don't think that it is slowing you down in the rest of corners, but it may be easier for you to use it only while braking to T1

. I also saw that you didn't let go throtle fully while braking to first corner of sc3, it didn't cause big time lost, but obviously it is better to not do that

And i think it would be it, i also recommend you to learn racing line from lfsworld.net replays (it don't have to be WR one, you can just look who did particular sector with best time, and learn line from him), but try to copy only racing line, perchance places where the fast guys are letting go the brakes, and what is their line before turning (while braking), where they start turning, don't try to copy their braking points because it will probably end bad for you
I almost forgot, i saw your heel&toe in sc1 is pretty good, you can try to make your brakes little bit harder, my are 590nm and 73% braking balance, but i've notice that most fast guys if not every of them, prefer to have more braking balance on the front (usually 1% more than me), but it doesn't work for me, you can try both of them and decide which one is best for you

. But be warned, with that brakes im going on totally grip limit while braking to T1, if i screwed up heel&toe (which last time happened like 500 or more laps ago) i lock the front tyres, and go straight, and the same thing happens if i have dirty tyres, even the minimal value(?) of dirt only on front left tyre will cause front tires lock, and overshoot T1 or even crash if someone is near me. So with that brakes you have to be careful in last corner, to not get dirt on your wheels (dirt on right sided wheels isn't as bad, but left sided wheels have to be perfectly clear)
I hope that i helped and that you can understand my bad english, but if not, just pm me and i will reply to you in polish

. Also take into account that i watched only your 1:34.17 lap, and all that what i wrote refers to that perticular lap.