I'm leading the Automovilismo Virtual championship (prize is an s2 license too), so I guess I won't be racing here once again... Good luck for everyone!
Last race information: (17:18 - 31 Oct '08)
Host: (FM) OvaL StArTerS
Position: 4th out of 5, doing 8 laps
Time / best lap: 6:12.610 / 6:12.610 (1)
Track and car: KY oval, FZR
You're saying such stuff about Blas and Chano but you're talking like if you were a boss or something like that here.
Once again, people like you should know how to read. You said I should wait until they decide about it and some wawawa, but oh well, once again, learn to read.
PS: I am not blaming the admins or something like that, I just think that Nelson is the most trustable one. Ricardo was saying something about the 'middle car' stuff, c'mon, everyone knows it's not right.
PS2: Well, 'doubt about the decision made by organizers', oh well, they are all human and human CAN DO mistakes, are they perfect? I don't think so.
PS3: Expensive, won't be buying it.
PS4: If Nelson didn't say anything about the posts, who are you to say that?
PS5: If you don't like the way I post, You don't need to read it. As far as I know, I've never offended anyone here. But once again, people should read before posting.
Yea, sad to see that things are working like that here, the fact that he didn't care of his car is because he doesn't have as much to lose as I do... points table may be the explanation for that, but oh well.
Yo tengo la capacidad de andar con espacio reducido, no soy como unas personas.
@Sir San,
para mi, es mas como Hamilton X Glock en Monza, cuando Glock no tenia espacio en la salida de la curva.
EDIT: No se decir eso en español.
I'm getting really tired of this, it's not my fault that Pablito can't handle his car when it understeers. You can see he didn't stop throttling in the middle of the corner, even though his car was sliding and getting closer and closer to me. He has to respect my space, he has to respect that I was on his side, no matter my car was in front or behind the middle of his car. We weren't in a corner anymore, We were in a straight, so he should respect my line. If you guys think I'm guilty, then I can't understand anything anymore... as I said before, he crashed me in a STRAIGHT, not in a corner, and if it's a straight, he MUST respect my line.
Solo porque estaba casi adelante de mi auto, no te da el derecho de ignorar que estoy de su lado. Y eso es un reflexo, cuando te tocan, pone la direcion para el otro lado para no bater en el las barreras.
Tu tambien podia tener soltado el acelerador en la curva, y no soltaste. Es por eso que nos tocamos, y tiveste MUCHO UNDERSTEER porque estabas demasiadamente rapido y toco en el mio auto. Hacieste la curva como se yo no estaba en su lado.
Ah, yo estaba vendo la repeticion y yo vi que Pablito cambio la linea de carrera 2 veces en la reta. No creo que eso seja correcto, solo puede cambiar una vez.
Mira que las llantas de pablito estan rectas y el tenia much espacio y mismo asi...
EDIT: No se decir eso en español, voy decir en inglés, alguien traduce para mi plz.
I turned to right as soon as I realized that your car was going to crash into mine. I was very close to the grass and my car would easily fly if I didn't turn to the right.
Not to mention that was not the crash that made you spin, it was the lag, just watch the video. And lag is something that we can't do anything against.