If you're using Ghostve's FFShifter soft, there's a sequential mode in it which translate gear change into keypresses, it works well and it should be exactly what you're looking for.
Solution: just put some hot chili sauce on your ears
When reading this thread, I recognized my racing habits through many posts: when under pressure, hard grip on the wheel, fast heartbeats, sweating a lot... etc.
However, when I used to race a LOT on BL1/XRT, I was more calm when racing on this combo because of all the confidence (and experience) I had.
I've been using manual clutch for some time now. I was blipping the throttle before, and I still do, so this isn't to take into account.
Mmm, I was'nt aware of this. It can explain these changes.
I'll have a look at the real camber with the suspension view before and after Y patch.
It would be good to have some translation tables which would give how much camber to add/substract in order to have the same setup with the new patch...
I must assume it also applies to "road normal" and "road super" tyres, because it's obvious to me and to other players that tyres heats up a lot quicker now. I had to raise tyre pressure on almost all my sets, so I don't think it's only my imagination.
Drifting seems to be more difficult now, as tyres overheat in less laps than before... I don't like it, but it's true I can't say what is more realistic.
I'd really like to know how long you can drift a car IRL before your tyres lose all grip.
I'm missing the digital speedo too... it is quite usefull (as said earlier, in order to see one's speed through a corner quickly), and I don't think it's unrealistic to have one in many cars.
I really don't appreciate to be forced to use analog speedo, which have so little numbers that I can't read them at all. I can't see the improvement in removing this kind of option...
I'd really prefer to keep the choice.
The other thing I don't like is about this patch is removing XRT from demo. The demo servers where often a good place to have some races on BL1/XRT, a combo which is really rarely seen on S2 :/
But besides that, I must admit the new patch is quite nice.
I've read that you can use SoftTh with 2 monitors and it works fine, you just have to comment the line for the 3rd monitor by putting a ";" before, in the cfg.
About the 'push-to-pass' feature for the UF1, I suggest the possibility to get out of your car and to push it in order to go faster and to overtake someone. :hyper:
BUT I keep thinking he meant an option to always display the best lap time, not a shortcut to show it for a second. So if I'm right, your answer was off-board.
bbman, I'd REALLY recommend you to read the entire thread before posting (bullshit). Thanks a lot.
He just said he wanted to have a shorcut for displaying the best lap time on his wheel, not that he didnt know how to see his best lap time.
By the way, I agree with you Mike, I prefer to have the best lap time always displayed rather than having to press Ctrl+Shift.
Having an option for it would be appreciated
Just go in logitech profiler, and go in option/global parameters or something like that. Then set the rotation angle to something higher than 250° and your wheel won't lock in 200° mode when you switch back to windows
I just noticed that the "best lap" line of the HUD has disappeared.
I don't get it, why removing it ? I think it was useful to have your best time displayed
With it, I could know in just one glance if a player was quick or slow.
You didn't understand that Woz was talking about the decompressed size of the image. In order to be viewed, a jpg image (as everything that is compressed) must be unpacked and stored in the memory of your graphic card. Just read again his post and if you have a brain, you should get it.
I've been using a dfp @720° + H-Shifter (joystick + FF Shifter) + Clutch for a while, and for sure I've been slower than before for a while.
But now I'm getting used to heel-toe, right foot braking, 720° rotation, and turning the wheel with one hand when shifting ( nobody mentionned it... didnt you notice this issue ? it slowed me down a lot at first !).
And now I'm doing 1.24.xx or sometimes 1.23.xx on BL1 with XRT. So I can tell that even if you are slower with a G25 (or equivalent), it is still possible to be fast.
And as people already said, driving with more degrees teaches you to turn the wheel faster, forces you to drive clean, and gives you more precision. Yes, it is harder to make up for mistakes, but it remains possible too
I sit pretty close from my monitors and I can't change this, so I can't use a FOV of 120° because I wouldn't see what's happening on the sides.
Another reason I use 138° is that it gives me the same view on my main screen than before, when I was playing with 1 monitor and a 85° FOV (you can verify with attached pictures).
And driving with a really different FOV (like 120°) would disturb me a lot, as I've always been driving with 85° before I got 3 screens.
Maybe I could drive with a little less than 138°, it could be nicer and more immersive, but not those very narrow 120°
By the way, in the pictures, 120° may look better than 138°, but I had to move back a lot to take it, whereas I sit really closer when I drive (see the 2nd 138° pic).
I have to say that I totally agree with Scawen here. To have to manually release handbrake would complicate things a bit, making LFS even more inaccessible to newbies.
Imo, manual handbrake is like manual clutch: it's fun only if you have the right hardware, whether it is a clutch pedal or an analog handbrake.
Where is the realism in releasing the handbrake with a button ?