I can't purchase S2 because i dont have any money nor job nor the age to actually get one. I might get one later or i might do something else like take part in a competition or something different. EDIT: I finally have an S2 license since the 27th of September 2015! EDIT2: I also have an S3 license since the 19th of December 2015!
I don't, you don't. Everyone except new people who didnt see the suggested stuff thread should stop requesting cars, tracks and/or features because:
1. The suggestions may be already on the suggested things list/thread
2. Would be too complicated/would take way too much time to add.
Devs dont want to release new content in a rushed (quickly made and released) state because it would look really hideously low-res (i think).
The textures, cars, tracks, sounds could be ready and released now but tire physics are another aspect and they are done by Scawen, who has to take care of his kids (Leo and Nicole) now and doesnt have as much time to complete the tire physics (some people think that devs want to release stuff at the same time, like releasing 20000 balls from a helicopter simultanously).
Back then when S2 was released, patches were released at a mindblowing pace, but thats because cars and tracks were released and perfected over the patches and the time.
Devs really could change their patch release pace to that one that dates back to the S2 release (new cars and tracks released are perfected over the recent patches) and we would be fine with that.
You cant modify the shape of the body, it is unallowed to discuss on this forum and doesnt work online. But if you want to make a texture, use your favourite image editor eg. Photoshop
To fix that go to the LFS directory and open cfg.txt. Look for a line that says Screen Info 0 xx xxxx xxx and replace the last two numbers with the resolution of your TV. :bump:
I reported him a few weeks ago and i went to the server with Flame CZE and Daniel-CRO to track him (he didnt know it AFAIK) and a few minutes after that he left and we were fine. But thanks for telling me that it happens a few times per week or month.
9. Open up the program
10. Press File > Open
11. Go to your LFS directory\data\misc
12. Open the driver you want to change.
13. Models without clothes are Driver Style: 19-24 (for females), 0-18 (for males)
14. (optional) Theres a secret driver style 33 which is unavailable in the game and it looks like a marshall
15. (also optional) You can also change the name of the driver and the license plate (F = front of the license plate | R = rear of the license plate) (^0-7 are colors)
16. After that press File > Save and in the window that pops up press Save
17. Open up LFS and go to Options > Driver.
18. If it works, let me or Bmxtwins know.
I Used To Type Like This Some Years Ago.
EDIT: Done it myself and tested. It works wonderfully.
Last edited by rosewood2, .
Reason : Added test results
I dont have the logs because im not the hoster, but if someone would care to post (or send me) the logs, i would really appreciate that. Or if i could track the server logs. Though that might be illegal.
Today I saw Anakin Skywalker ( ) on {BPH} Cruise Server using a speedhack (speeds over 240 mph) and ghosthack (pass through the barriers at the chicane just after T1). MPR attached below. Timestamp in the MPR by displaying usernames (ctrl+shift) and looking at the top left corner. Also, like earlier, username is blank. And I thought we were secure enough from hackers with 0.6E... Come on, 0.6F!
Last edited by rosewood2, .
Reason : Added invisible text
Its on the setup bar to the right. Says "4x4". Anyway, a saftly car (thanks QATAR948 for the hilarious misspelling) might be useful in LFS events. Also there could be orangeish colored strobe lights attached to the front and back.