I wonder if it models the more subtle truck driving experiences, like clueless dispatchers, trying to get rusty old trailer tandem axles to unlock so you can slide them to adjust the weight balance, cranking barely functional landing gears down to raise a heavy trailer up so you can back under it, doing the above on a muddy trailer lot while it's raining cats and dogs, unloading tens of thousands of pounds of cargo by yourself without even a hand truck, etc.
Some people say that his posts are random gibberish, and when others see his posts they wonder why he even bothers. But all we know is... he's called (The Stig)!
Sarcastic?!? You dare imply that tire smoke isn't the most important feature for the LFS team to be working on?!?
In all seriousness, the tire smoke system isn't perfect and could definitely be improved, but that's way down on the list. When/If they add rain, and assuming they add water spray from the wet roads, that would probably be a good time for them to play with the tire smoke as they're both particle effects.
Here's an improved smoke texture that is more opaque which may help you survive until the developers get off their lazy butts and stop wasting time screwing around with crap like physics, new tracks and new cars and fix the most important issue in LFS: tire smoke modeling.
Simply spawn more and larger smoke polygons (with the transparent smoke texture) and do some real-time computational fluid dynamics to simulate the smoke flowing around the vehicles.
I'm not sure if I'd call it a bug, but it's definitely a limitation of the LFS tire model. The tire model appears to assume the entire tire is always on a single planar surface, so when the engine decides the tire is on the tiny lip on the edge of the curb it calculates the forces as if the ENTIRE tire is on a plane with the angle of the tiny lip. Attached is a screenshot showing the effect.
Probably the easiest way to fix that is to fill in the area behind those curbs.
One difference may be that cars with drive-by-wire throttles can back the throttle off at the redline, but cars with "manual" throttles can only use ignition and/or fuel cut to control engine speed if you're holding the throttle open. My car had a DBW throttle and it holds the revs steady at the redline with no bouncing.
Here's a wild Great Blue Heron eating a wild chipmunk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV1JZUSb2D0 . Nature isn't very nice, but I'd rather watch that than have a plague of rodents running around everywhere.
If you tweak the engine size to be a bit larger than normal it'll make the car spin around the engine when you rev it. Not sure about the tires though.
It's just the car body rotating in response to the torque on the rear tires as the front ones go airborne. If they're accelerating the torque will lift the front end up (just like a motorcycle or dragster) and if they're decelerating the opposite will happen. Also, the wheels are below the center of gravity of the body so that also adds another source of rotation.
With rich mixtures the air/fuel mixture nearest the walls of the combustion chamber tend to not burn, reducing the amount of heat conducted into the cylinder and head. Lean mixtures burn more completely and thus have more hot combustion products in direct contact with the engine.
I think that means the receive buffer is overflowing, which it shouldn't if only LFS is communicating on the same port. Only thing I can think to try is to change the outsim port in the camlevel_cfg.txt file.
Ok, new version with separate pitch and roll limiters to keep the camera from going too bonkers when rolling your car.
If you're using a keyboard and/or mouse I don't think there's much I can do to get the look function to work. I did fix it so it'll run, but you won't be able to look left/right. If there's a input_config.txt file in the folder with camlevel.exe delete or rename it and camlevel should load up now.
Oh, and you'll probably want to minimize camlevel's window, the current version of pygame has some debugging code accidentally left on so it'll spam the window with SDL messages with might effect performance very slightly if they're scrolling away while visible.
Oops! I didn't think about what would happen if you didn't have a joystick/wheel, sorry. And the config file won't help, the program aborts as soon as it tries to open the non-existent device. I'll fix it so that it doesn't try to use the joystick if there isn't an input config file. Getting it to read the keyboard is actually harder than the joystick because the keyboard input is locked to whatever application has focus, LFS in this case.
I'm going to fiddle around with the program some more, but I have no clue at all if I can fix the multiplayer problems or the look left/right functions.
Yep, been thinking about improving that camera program. I think I'll ask the devs if it'd be a problem adding the "look" button status to the outgauge packet as it already indicates so many other car functions already, or else possibly to add a flag to the IS_CPP camera control packet that allows it to control camera angles and still allow looking left and right (you can already look backwards even with the camera overridden.)