Not only is it the up and down effect, it's the eyes and brain getting confused, the eyes telling you that your not moving (if you're looking inside the bus/car/whatever) but your brain thinks/knows you're moving, so the conflict makes you feel bad. So if you feel sick while travelling look out of the window and you shouldn't feel as bad.
It will when Patrick has made a fool-proof License detector, and Bob sees it, and tests it, and it meets the requirements of the official app release rules..
Patrick, GREAT work, but before you release, i would make a GRANNY proof guide. IF you look in other TWEAK releases there are thousands of pages asking the same questions over, and over. So a nice big readme file might help abit! Good luck, looking forward too it. ECL Sam as you may know.
Not a good choice of crashes, there, i'm afraid. You for one have got the laggy ones, therefore they are unrealistic making it annoying to watch, secondly they looked fairly staged, and the cameras weren't very nice. (imo)
Get a nice setup from some FM user, they usually send you a good'n, I'm no expert, but you need to learn the basic line, and be smooth with your steering, very smooth..