On the contrary, I think a longer track should be used.. I mean there wasn't one at all last season and I have no idea about the seasons before why not add one now? It's only 20 seconds longer than KY3b after all, and provides good overtake opportunities.
FE4R fo sho! I have no idea about the R4 rule though.. must be there for a reason I suppose.. But KY3b was borderline R4s
A suggestion to that would be remove the ky1r, and add another AS/FE/SO track, since we saw how little people attended ky1r compared to the road courses
This would be fine, but depends if you are planning to run 3 race weekends in a row, which you all know I couldn't make any of last year.. A good incentive to complete all the rounds, none the less
No, it doesn't include the windowed edges.. it just includes the lfs screen.
every time I recorded before without windowed mode, with or without AA I would only get 9fps
press shift + F4 and just drag the window to full screen, or just keep it at 1280 x 720 and record it (which is what I do).. I get about 60fps while recording all the time now and my video's look pretty good quality.. an example
no, not end of discussion. You can't accuse a member of a respected team for doing something like this, then not prove it. Post evidence, or ddos.
also, pay me 1000
Was a silly idea running 3 cars from the start. You want more people to race, so what do you do? ofc the obvious idea is to split everyone up three times instead of twice