Lol, he's right and you're just an idiot. No way in hell would he drop 200 fps, what a stupid comment.. he would lose like 40 at most.. 15 or 32 cars really makes no god damn difference to me. The tracks also make **** all difference, south city is maybe a little more demanding.. that is if you're using a PC from bargin bin in oxfam.
on topic: Haters gonna hate. Steam is great, I notice NO difference in performance when its running or not, and wtf makes you all think that the kids that play CSS are gonna come and play LFS? All of the people I've met via steam from the FPS community's are great anyway. Half of the people bashing steam seem to really have no opinion in the matter anyway, since they're using a PC from the 1950s. who the hell has 256MB ram these days ffs.
Not really related to LFS.. thought I'd post them anyway. A few recordings I managed to grab from the SR Teamspeak.. voices include.. Wilko868, Gav190, seb66, deutschland2007, isaacprice, SCA-F1 and others.
Second video (recording), is just random banter and wilko screaming YEE HARRR a lot. Wilko then gets kicked about 7 times to get his total Teamspeak connections to 1337.. he then gets kicked once more by Dom and Rages.
I, and others laughed a lot at these recordings.. thought I'd share them with everyone else maybe i should of put this in off topic, but wateva.. jabba.
brake boosting does work, that's what people (including myself) do in the turbo GTR cars at on rolling starts of league races. You go full throttle 2nd gear, then hold the brake to control your speed to the rolling start pace of about 80 - 90kph, this also spools the turbo to max pressure, then when the green flag comes out.. let the brake off
besides this black and white issue.. has anybody else found extremely long loading times when watching videos in 720p? It takes so ****ing long I could have downloaded a full length movie in the time it takes to finish loading one 3min video..
360p/480p or whateva it take about 5/10 seconds to load the whole clip, then switching to 720p seems to take about 10mins