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S3 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :The **** is it?

floor tray for a kart :|

S3 licensed
Quote from dadge :he was pushing the limits to the extreme. but he crossed no line (except the finish line). it's not MSC's fault that the stewards are not consistent.

I'm gonna call bull shit on this, MSC was way over the line. Although I'll admit I hope I understand the rule correctly... The rule is 1 move left or right to defend your position yes?
So why, before every single braking zone, did MSC move all the way to inside of the track (his one and only move he is allowed), then just before/on the braking zone move all the way back to the outside of the track? I'm pretty sure that's called move #2.
(not aiming this at you spercifically dadge ) You can all moan and spout shit like "ohh but lewis wasn't there, so it's k".. That isn't the point of the rule though is it? I really don't think MSC would have changed what he was doing whether Lewis had a front wing/wheel on the outside like he so nearly did at many corners. I'm pretty sure if Lewis had been just as aggressive as he usually was he wouldn't of hesitated to have been on the outside..

Off the point, does the F1 forum go up anywhere to watch? Or is there anywhere I can download it ?
S3 licensed
This floor tray with the sticker on it

Guess the price?
£132 inc VAT
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :I would recommend the Pz IV over the Stug. Once you get the L70 it turns into a superb little snipertank, and it has good armour from the front as well.

With the 107, HE is better against the stuff you can't penetrate with AP.
If you are using AP with the 152 then you are doing it wrong

In my post above I was referring to the 107mm Since in T9 games.. the 152mm is just hopeless haha. I do use HE against the higher tanks when I can't penetrate them with the AP

I also realised that I can afford both the Pz IV and the Stug.. So I've got them both haha.
S3 licensed
I have now bought the StuG III with my experience.. but I don't know If I should spend my cash on it or keep up saving for the KV3.. To be honest I'll probably make back the money before I get to 25,000 odd experience to get the KV3 haha.
I'm really close to getting the PzKpfw IV as well.. So which should I get? T5 StuGIII or the T5 PzKpfw IV?

Also, regarding the hitbox skins.. Lately I've been put into LOADS of games where I am the lowest tank in the server with my KV (E-75 on top which is T9). The best gun on the KV can hardly even penetrate the tanks in these kinds of games.. so the skins really do help in being able to even slightly damage them which really helps my EXP gain at the end of the round if we win.. So in answer to your question before, my kill rate hasn't increased but I am able to damage and sometimes kill tanks that are on low HP that I normally wouldn't be able too
S3 licensed
Sweet score I'm really enjoying scouting as a light tank right now Even though I'm usually first to die, it's so much fun dodging all the heavies and running all the way to the enemies base to kill the SPG's and just generally cause havoc
S3 licensed
Calling me a dirty cheat and now asking if they are any good haha
I've only used them for one game.. it's not really useful for the KV derp cannon, since the crosshair is so big you're going to hit anywhere on their tank.. and if you're in close combat with a derp cannon you gonna get raped!
S3 licensed
My new derp canon and score with the first time using it.. I was a little bit afk then realised I was the only player left on our team... So I waltzed down the middle of the map all the way to their base and derped everyone on the way

S3 licensed
152mm Derp canon at the ready
S3 licensed
I'm dreading to save 1,078,000 credits for the KV-3
S3 licensed
Got my KV, yey Saving up for the derpcanon now
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :ORIGINALITY FTW!

+1 Wicked movie
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :What I meant was, they don't seem to behave like normal RC cars do.

dunno what RC cars you've been looking at.. probably something like this. I'd say it looks pretty much like how the handle IRL.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Anybody fancy a game right now? add my username: SebastianH
S3 licensed
Quote from xaotik :

I don't know if that's mixed class racing or a daily commute in rush hour. So many things going wrong there for what's considered an organized venue.

I'm guessing everybody else saw that there was a marshal standing in the raised box that the Ferrari completely wiped out?
S3 licensed
I tried to get some usable footage to maybe live-stream while I race with the 'EOS Canon Movie Record' tool.. It literally recorded my footage at about 5fps.. which is pathetic, other people using the 1000D and this tool have managed about 24fps.. I have no idea how! Any way, here is my test video

and here is another 1000D video using the same stuff and managing way more fps than me -

editt - found out the reason It was such low FPS was because I had the SD card in the camera while I was recording to the PC.. hitting 21/22 fps now, yey!
Last edited by Seb66, .
S3 licensed
What is this arma filth you speak of..

Anyway, I think I'm gonna buy some premium now actually
S3 licensed
Thought I'd bump the thread and let everyone know, you can now create a 2 tank platoon without being premium

I currently have a Hetzer with the 105mm gun and a T-28 with the 5.7mm
S3 licensed
Too much fudge for my liking.
S3 licensed
It's an unlicensed boxing match, Tommy. It's not a tickling competition. These lads are out to hurt each other.