I still think that my DT is unjustified compared to other incidents you have looked at.. To name a few:
This is far worse than my contact, but only given a warning? Even with the chaos that was left behind.
This brought out a SC, yet was no worse than my incident..
Lack of spatial awareness.. Was this not the same as my incident then? Again, the out come from the crash was far worse.. causing a big pile-up..
Out of all the incidents here how have you come to the conclusion to give me a DT for causing an avoidable incident? While all other crashes with the same outcome from their incident have been given a warning?
I don't think you've actually looked at this at all in much detail.. And since you've closed the thread I'll protest it here..
Picture 1 & 2 = I come down on Sheasby, no doubt, and only make ever so slight contact with him and Immediately move back up the road, as seen..
Picture 3 = Sheasby has clearly moved up the road a little and I am now pointing away from Sheasby, no longer making contact on a pretty safe line in reference to niko above me..
Picture 4 = Sheasby has moved very far up the track now, enough for over another car to be in the gap below, and to see that I am turning towards the top of the oval to avoid any contact
Picture 5 = A few frames forward, Sheasby has again moved up, allowing enough of a gap for two cars to fit in, I still have not made contact since the first slight brush going into T1, and am clearly pointing towards Niko to get out of Sheasby's way..
Picture 6 = Another angle of 5, sheasby clearly moving up the road..
Picture 7 = Sheasby again moves up the road even more, however close it looks, we still haven't made any contact.. There is now loads of room below.
Picture 8 = Another few frames along, the gap re-opens.. Showing that there was no contact..I was on a perfectly straight line compared to the two cars along side me..
A few frames later I get sandwiched between Sheasby and niko.. I can see at a glance that it may look like I've caused the incident, but I don't think a DT is a justified.. Both cars are at fault, me for coming down in the first place, which really wasn't the cause of all the mayhem after and sheasby for coming up the road..
Sorry for all the stuffz.. but I want the win since I can't race tomorrow
Yeahh, I remember your hood clearly while racing Have you actually been to my house..? I can't remember.. For the sake of my house not being bombed I hope not
When I say "Waiting a new patch, but I still play LFS sometimes" I really mean I never play lfs unless a league race pops up.. which few are around that have my interest..