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Quote from speed1230 :I've seen a pic in a different angle which clearly shows that Bianchi's roll hoop completely gone from the impact like the pic above but I won't link to the pic here. This is definitely not good.

seen this pic too, earlier pictures show engine cover and roll hoop "intact" though
S3 licensed
Quote from Texpelt88 :Today of NASCAR in a nutshell:

did he try and drive the car away at 31 seconds? haha
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :Yeah right.
And if you watch the replay you can see perez going into a racing line, just not turning completely to make a good apex, considering his brake problem he maybe moves a little bit so if he fails does not rear end Vettel.
You can see in that picture who makes the wrong move.

S3 licensed

Me trying to chase down the British TKM Extreme champion in the British University Karting Championship at a track I haven't been to in 6 years, only to get binned by a backmarker on the final lap. Also put a lap on the British KGP champion from 11:10 to 11:45. Finished the day off with 360 after the chequered flag haha
S3 licensed
A very wet weather karting onboard of myself on slicks
S3 licensed
Quote from doyal :Those tolls always seem to end up as the start of a tarmac rally stage

Love the fact you were ragging it and... slowly overtaking people!

I would expect no less from a classic mini haha
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Holy shit, what speed did you manage to get? 60?

S3 licensed
Bit of acceleration out of some tolls in the mini! notice broken wiper and floppy aerial
S3 licensed
My new baby!

S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :It is us two, before you decided to ram someone off and cause a carnage two corners later

Was hardly carnage, just a cheeky karting move. 1 car in the gravel
S3 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :New iRacing TV episode featuring the V8's. Bathurst should be quite something. ... vbFU&

Boothy, is that me and you at 14:44 ? Meh racing
S3 licensed
I'm SebastianH
S3 licensed
Quote from sinbad :Perez needs to stop risking everything and banking on the fact that other drivers don't want to be taken out of the race, but in this case, even if he was going too fast to make the chicane and might have hit Kimi anyway, this actual accident was caused by Raikonnen.

S3 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :I even believe you was whining about that when people did that to you, but then again, You've always been a bit of double-morale person

Y u do this kimi fan

It was being forced off track on exits I had/have a problem with, never came across anything like this incident while racing.
& since when?
Last edited by Seb66, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Fastwalker :Kimi had every right to take the inside.
If you watch the replay, you can clearly see Perez was still behind when Kimi started steering in.

100% Perez' fault. And no I'm not a Kimi fan

Kimi had NO right to take the inside. No more than leaving a cars width which he didn't do anyway. Who cares if Kimi started turning in when Perez was still behind? It was his second defensive move in that braking zone and that is what is wrong and makes it "legally" Kimi's fault.

And yes I am a Kimi fan. I'd have his babies
S3 licensed
Quote from pipa :With that speed and that close to the barrier perez wouldn't have made the corner even without kimi being next to him. Was a braindead move and he got punished for it.

That's not my point, my point is that it's Kimi's fault there was contact. It doesn't matter if Perez would have made the corner or not.
S3 licensed
Technically Kimi made 2 moves, so if anything he would and should get a penalty.. He made one half arsed defense by being a car width more than normal to the inside, and only after Perez had started his unrecoverable divebomb into the gap Kimi had left did Kimi make his second move and completely drive Perez into the wall
I'm not justifying Perez's divebomb, which was a good effort considering he'd pulled it off on two others, but the contact was Kimi's fault.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kelvjy :Bristol Italian Auto Moto Festival

When was this and why did I miss it.
S3 licensed
Anyone else think that Perez should have been the one on the radio to McLaren telling Jenson to calm down? I thought Jenson doing the ol' stop on the apex of a potential cut back so the person behind runs into the back of you trick was pretty out of order, especially to your team mate.. Then to top it all off he completely ran Perez off the track while Perez had a massive overlap on the outside
S3 licensed
the 1975
S3 licensed
Is there a racing line?!
S3 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :Mate, it can.

I know, I know.. I was just hoping someone would find that video as hilarious as I did