Oh, by the way. In one of the races under safety car, or on a start, I can't remember what it was. Every car disappeared on track, and my lag bar went up.. So I thought I was going to time out then I realised I was still hearing people talking in TS.. So I tried to hold pace and boothy was shouting abuse at me in TS to slow down because I was ahead of the lead cars and I was pretty much shouting back saying I couldn't see the pack and wondering wtf to do.. I was just about to pull into the pits so I didn't kill anyone.. Then everyone re-appeared and I got back in line.
It was weird
I had that problem. Taking LFS out of full screen mode stopped it getting stuck on 9 fps. Even though the LFS window was virtually the same size, I was able to record at 45 - 50 fps rather than 9.
Thanks for the feedback!
I can't really get any 'Face on' picture from the trackside as the positioning is wrong, or my lens can't zoom enough to make the picture worth while. I may be able to get lower though at my next kart meeting and see how those pictures look
Yeah, that was what I was going for in img1, the karts on the racing line. Obviously I've still got much to learn! Like you said, the apex of the corner was just to the right slightly, but I guess I just fail. I won't be going to that track again any time soon so I guess that's an opportunity of a good picture missed!
As for what I'm using, 1000D with the standard 18-55mm 3.5-5.6 lens.