I would like to add one more thing if you don't mind. For example, in the city vehicle, the front weight distribution is 51.9%, which causes it to skid a lot. Do you think this setting is ideal or should you adjust it?
It revs unnecessarily fast when the throttle is applied at idle. This model series is nice, but I don't like their engines. Compact city version should also have a tachometer.
Why does this car go into the breaker at 9000 rpm, the power and torque rpm do not match it. The car does not go at all, it is very lifeless. If possible, the cutter should be pulled down and lower revs should be improved. The new gauge type looks very nice, hopefully we'll see it in-game.
I tried other uf1 pickup, xrg pickup and xfg 1.4 diesel settings. The turbo fills up at 4000 rpm in the XF, and around 3500 rpm in the UF1 pickup. In this vehicle, the turbo is fully charged at 2800 rpm and although it has a cumbersome feeling, I interpreted the 3rd gear traction on steep slopes as surprising.
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All cars testing offline mod.
Desktop 18.5 inch Monitor 1366x768, fov 94 degree, 2x antialias, af 4x. Hd 3650 graphics card
Laptop have 1366x768 and 7670m but this device no tested.
Also cars with bad indicator rods high refracting for 0.6u. Fonts are worse.
Good cars dashboard graphics report :
FO8: 0.6u better.
MRT: 0.6u better.
FZ5: 0.6u better, but dashboard rods some refreacting.
FXO: 0.6u better, but dashboard rods some refracting.
RB4: 0.6u better.
LX4/LX6 0.6u better.
UF1: 0.6u better, also dashboard rods good quality.
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