well you wont have a problem with the public transport, you got trains going to hastings from brighton, might cost you a fiver, and you got loads of buses round there too, about £3 for a all-day bus pass on all buses. :woohoo:
your probably better off staying in brighton if you dont wanna be bored, a lot more stuff to do in the evenings if you like rear ending things, kidding, but brighton is much better than hastings in the evenings...and no, im not gay.
try it and see for yourself, and if you do happen to like it then you must be a complete, well, i wont say seeing as these devs seem to be handing out infractions like no tomorrow instead of working on the scirocco...bwahahahaha
dual monitors is absolutely fuking shit, i fuking hated dual monitors, its the shittyest shit I ever fuking tried. get another fuking monitor for fuks sake. stop being a class A c u n t