ive also noticed there is a lack of torque steer within GT4.. when taking off from the line or having one wheel on the dirt while under heavy acceleration, the car doesnt want to turn at all really..
i just put down the controller bout 30 seconds ago.. i was pulling hand brakes in GT4 and yet me revs went UP!!! me fingers where not even on the accelerator.. i did this many times..
was using the BMW McLaren F1 with the stage 4 turbo.. (i thought it was Mercedies benz who made the F1)
a mate of me team (o.O Dan) did these skins earlier this year.. he did a diff colour for each team member so we could all be kinda different, yet have the same design
ive played a few FPS games on a projector, and also GT4.. it takes a while to get used to it.. but with some games it can help, others its more of a hinderance..
ive found when joining a server from LFSW using jionto LFS, it doesnt autosave the replays even when selected within the options menu.. wanted to watch a replay but aint there..
IRL i swear heaps.. online its bout half as much, but its insane with how much i do swear.. im surrounded all the time with it from work, mates and other ppl.. so before i start playin im usually kicked from a LFS lapper server.. :P
its probably a imcompatibility issue with the latest test patches.. since there is a new bug/cheat fix that was implemented within U(test 20), ive noticed older replays come up with the OOS replay error..