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S3 licensed
Another great patch that should please InSim developers and autocross editors Smile

You can't select non-invisible marshalls (marshall, point left, point right). You get "Can't move : invalid position".

Same issue with InSim checkpoints. Interestingly, the problem goes away when you add 1 invisible marshall or 1 InSim checkpoint finish line.
Last edited by sicotange, .
S3 licensed
Quote :I can't really work on InSim improvements right now as I really need to get some shader updates finished that I am already in the middle of doing.

Understandable, thanks for clearing this up! I will send you an email once my melting pot of notes is filtered/decipherable.
S3 licensed
Quote :That is interesting. It makes me think that any configs should be selectable, not only open ones, but then of course the cars would probably be off the side of the current path, causing a reset.

But yes, as you suggest, it could work with open configs. I'm not sure if there are any issues in the code that would make it tricky to implement. Doesn't sound impossible though...

Obviously it should reset the race but an impromptu /restart causes the same kind of inconvenience for the players racing in my opinion. It might be confusing though, unless there is an /rcm message to inform the players the track has changed resulting in race reset (I'm in favour of informing players via InSim instead of a default LFS message).

Concerning InSim, if it's an appropriate patch round to implement InSim improvements. Is it tricky/time-consuming to make LFS report the line id (as per: ... n_viewer.php?lang=English) of a LFS button clicked? We already have IS_BTN for InSim buttons, the same for LFS buttons would be great (or overkill?).
S3 licensed

When you use the /track command in game DCon reports: "Can't change track during race". Would it make sense to lift this limitation for open configurations? In case of an open configuration changing to another open configuration with /track would make track rotation a breeze. You can already achieve this with autocross InSim checkpoints so I'm probably nitpicking Smile
Introducing MultiRacing (ClaViCo)
S3 licensed
Hello LFS racers,

After the release of version 0.6B a few years ago I started working on the concept of MultiRacing, in other terms having multiple races on the same track.
Initially it seemed complicated to write such a tool but thanks to the recent LFS patches (namely the introduction of new autocross objects and the IS_JRR InSim packet to spawn players anywhere on the track) it became more than doable.

The icentive behind MultiRacing is that I often found myself joining a server where a race was ongoing. Waiting for the race to end became frustrating.
This tool, called ClaViCo makes it possible to have 3 races simultaneously using the open configurations in combination with autocross objects. As a result, more racing and less waiting!

As ClaViCo is still under development I'm not releasing this tool publicly at the moment. When it is stable, has been stresstested thoroughly and when I'm confident to release it, I will.
Feel free to join MultiRacing for some racing, it is in dire need of testing Smile


Some useful InSim commands:

Player commands
!r : to open the race panel
!j [x] : to join (or switch to) a race, x is the race number (1, 2 or 3)
!lea : to leave the race
!p : to go to the pits of the race you joined (also works when you are spectating)

Admin commands
!st [x] : to start or restart a race, x is the race number (1, 2 or 3)
!fojo : to forcejoin all players to race 1
S3 licensed
In my opinion the recent addition of InSim checkpoints/circles renders IS_OBH less useful. The following scenarios I can think of where IS_OBH shines:
• any kind of stunting where landing on platforms etc. should be detected
• manoeuvring in areas filled with unmovable objects where penalties are given if an object is hit
• touching an object to remove it
Last edited by sicotange, .
S3 licensed
Quote :Changes from 0.6Q3 to 0.6Q5 :

New map view for open configurations and track selection screen
Skid marks now remain when race restarts (excluding replays)
Skid marks are now visible on unmovable layout objects

FIX : Missing part of shadows at rear of LX4 and LX6
FIX : Shadows seen from a distance were not affected by haze effect

Neat improvements Thumbs up Concerning the new mini-map, CTRL + SHIFT shows the current time as well as the playername. What about displaying the new mini-map as a maxi-map taking the whole screen when pressing CTRL + SHIFT instead? Perhaps making it possible to choose what happens when pressing CTRL + SHIFT in the options: time & playername or map. In full screen there might also be enough room to show the playername together with the arrow?
S3 licensed

If this is an appropriate time to squeeze in some more InSim improvements. Reporting the line id ( ... n_viewer.php?lang=English) of a system button clicked would be useful (going from the garage setup screen to the car selection screen would be detectable for example). The issue seen in the screenshots below would be preventable as the "Car" and "OK" button clicks would be reported.
S3 licensed
Possibly related to the bug posted above. It made me think of an enthusiastic dictator Razz (Somehow it only happens in RAC with a female passenger).
Brexit or Bremain?
S3 licensed
I'm not from the UK but follow this with great interest. I have a hard time finding many convincing arguments for a Bremain. I wonder if many from the LFS community are for a Brexit. Yanis Varoufakis seems well placed to understand what is at stake:

Any other earthling brainstorming about this?
S3 licensed
Pre-ordered 2, I like this radical but natural design!
S3 licensed
Would it make sense to use one of the spare bytes in IS_NCI to report the licence of the user (Product : DEMO / S1 / S2 / S3)?

Now that S3 has been released it could be useful to have this information especially when the host changes track.
S3 licensed
That's exactly it, sorry for wasting your time.
S3 licensed
May I suggest adding SHIFT + click in the autocross editor for the X,Y,Z arrows? Especially for Z it is useful to put objects on top of each other needing big Z adjustements (bridge pillars for example):

Quote :leftclick : += 1;
rightclick: += 4;
shiftclick: += 16;

Also, can anyone try to reproduce the following: ... sicotange-%3A-OOS---MPSYS
Last edited by sicotange, . Reason : Mistakingly reported
sicotange : OOS - MPSYS
S3 licensed
I think this will be an obvious bug. When you select Rockingham Clear Sunset weather you get " sicotange : OOS - MPSYS" message.

Easy way to reproduce:

-> /end
-> /track RO1X 4
-> you get OOS after the weather is loaded

I might be wrong but maybe it is related to the fact there is a 4th weather type now (only Rockingham has 4 different kind of weathers)? OOS only happens when weather 4 is selected.
S3 licensed
Ok my bad. I can now reproduce things. The car Z reported in IS_MCI is 15 on the ground. The concrete object as in the screenshot has a Zbyte of 17.25. In this case it gets spawned on the concrete (if I press space or send an IS_JRR) no matter the Zbyte in IS_JRR (even 0).

I conclude that the check is the car's Z relative to the concrete object Z? So moving my chalk arrows didn't change anything but moving the concrete object by factor 1 (from 17.25 to 17.50) fixed the issue. If it is a constant value, could you provide the documentation? To be safe a difference between car Z and object Z of 2.50m is advisable?
S3 licensed
Can the spawn on concrete objects detection Zbyte be lowered a bit by default? I have custom pitboxes but with a concrete roof the cars are spawned on the concrete object instead of the LFS track asfalt (see attachments).
Anyone else encounters this annoyance?
S3 licensed
Quote :I think the UCID is zero because the objects were created by the InSim program running on the host.

I understand it would be confusing to be able to set UCID when the PMOACTION is PMO_ADD_OBJECTS or
PMO_DEL_OBJECTS (that's why new PMOACTIONS would probably be required). The global picture here is that his would make it easier for InSim programmers to know what objects are related to whom. For example: an admin clicks an InSim button. The InSim program adds object(s) by sending an IS_AXM. In the reply, the InSim program would detect this and deal with it / maintain things accordingly.

Quote :So what is the suggestion really? That LFS should automatically change the editor into edit mode if a selected objects packet is received?

For example, I suggested it the other way around. The selection is hidden until edit is pressed.
S3 licensed
EDIT: (attachments forgotten in post above)
Last edited by sicotange, .
S3 licensed
Quote :I suppose it's to avoid intersecting physics objects that fly apart madly when touched. That problem doesn't really apply to unmovable objects. But then the question is, why would you want ordinary objects to intersect?

I always found this restriction to be a hindrance. It is useful for them to intersect to make proper selections or to make things more visually pleasing. EDIT: See the attachments in the next post for illustration. It looks better to have barriers or speed humps touch instead of having a small gap. It also gives the impression it's just 1 big barrier. That's another advantage (the heading precision limitation can be tricky though), visually you can make a bigger object out of several objects without showing it's actually several objects intersecting.

Quote :It's not a kart, but it is an FSAE car (with suspension and a 600cc motorbike engine).

I tried to find out if FSAE cars had handbrakes, and I asked on the forum too. I did not hear from anyone on the forum and I could not find any reference that stated that FSAE cars have a handbrake.

In the end, after watching some FSAE videos, I thought it was quite unlikely that they have one, so decided to exclude them like the other single seaters.

Personally, I sometimes used handbrake (on MRT & F08 mainly) in situations where I had to make a quick U - turn and you have only a small spot to do this. It's probably very unrealistic so I suppose it's better to just get used to it. Otherwise, making it optional with a server command (/FormulaHandbrake=yes)?


The new InSim packets are refreshing, but I still have some small debatable suggestions:
• You must setup your IS_AXM with the players UCID when the PMOACTION is PMO_SELECTION. When the PMOACTION is PMO_ADD_OBJECTS the UCID in the IS_AXM reply is always 0. It could be useful to report the UCID set even when PMOACTION is not PMO_SELECTION. I suppose this would require 2 new PMO's though:

• Marshall objects can be diameter 0 with InSim IS_AXM (useful to have a marshall that doesn't spectate you when you drive through it). I suggest the ability to lower the diameter to 0 but perhaps you don't want this with the autocross editor because a restricted area wouldn't be one anymore if diameter is 0?

• You must click edit in the autocross editor for an IS_AXM with PMOACTION == PMO_SELECTION to work. Why not lift this limitation? When the packet is sent even when edit is not clicked it should work. Some InSim programs might want to prepare a selection of objects before edit in the autocross editor is pressed.
Last edited by sicotange, .
S3 licensed
Updated to V2.3 a few days ago. Nothing to report so far Thumbs up I'm eager to play with the new helpers. Thanks for the continuity!
S3 licensed
Many thanks for the new InSim features! I'm having a lot of fun developing my InSim program Smile
S3 licensed
Quote :Thanks for the testing, it was fun. Sicotange still has some issues to iron out, but soon there will be genuine multiple races on one server! Smile

I found my InSim timeout bug: looped over a layout with a byte but when the layout is bigger than 255 objects -> infinite loop causing timeout. That's why my big offroad layout caused issues and not Karting or Touring both being layouts under 255 objects. So my mistake!

A few things still need to be ironed out but running 3 races (Karting, Touring, Offroad) on the same server with startlights triggered by InSim seems to work well. Anyone is welcome to join testing for a quick test of this Smile


Something I report on behalf of player finland69. He got message "Can't have the same name as another driver" when he false started (my program then does /spec on him). He then quickly joined back from pits and at the same time I restarted the race so an IS_JRR was sent to spawn him on grid. Could it be something related to IS_JRR and join request by player? In the end it's just a message so nothing to worry about (?).
S3 licensed
Sounds great Thumbs up I like this flexibility and LfsUnicodeEncoding2 being optional. Will test it once I get to it.

(Thanks for the IS_SLC update by the way, I'm implementing it to my program right now)
S3 licensed
Quote :The IS_OCO packet works fine, I tested all aspects of it. I don't know what your issue is so you might need to go into more detail. The problem I was having was that I wasn't optimising the layout before trying to use the lights.

Confirmed, I wasn't aware of that. Somehow never thought of that. It works fine now, but I still have to check when optimising through InSim IS_AXM. I just tested an optimised LFS layout.