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S2 licensed
uhhhhhhhh actually i have never heard of any of thsoe games but im not saying just because they have mountain tracks theyre real... are you high? read what i said man. im sayign the realistic racing games (unlike nfs:u and other stupid games, never heard of the others you said so i dont know) have mountain tracks. i would never say that having mountain tracks makes a game realistic i cant believe you even just said that......
S2 licensed
ok let me rephrase. most racing games that actually matter and are realistic such as all the gran turismos and forza and so on all have mountain courses and they all have multiple.....
S2 licensed
every single racing game has mountain tracks. i dont see why this one doesnt have any yet. mountain tracks are so much fun we need them. not only for drifting but for racing. PLEASE give us touge PLEASE! PLEASE!
S2 licensed
i think more smoke would be cool but i think it would be better if the smoke actually looked somewhat real. it really doesnt look real at all to me right now and just shoots out in little spurts. also im not sure why people who dont even drift even comment on drifting?? who are you guys to suggest things or conflict things that dont even concern you? doesnt really make sense
S2 licensed
normals are just fine for drifting. i think the only good thing that could come from a drift tire is if it made a whole lot of smoke.
Drift Practice Layout!!
S2 licensed
hey guys i made this layout for people who want to better their drifting skills. i think it will be good for people just starting out and even for people who already know how to drift and want to touch up their skills. i have added in almost all type of turns. everything from a 90mph entry into a hairpin to a decreasing radius turn. here are some screenshots: ... ewaysin916/dpractice1.jpg ... ewaysin916/dpractice2.jpg ... ewaysin916/dpractice3.jpg ... ewaysin916/dpractice4.jpg ... ewaysin916/dpractice5.jpg ... ewaysin916/dpractice6.jpg

the big box around the circle can be used for 90 degree turns, a single link, or try to lap the entire thing. i hope you guys like it. FEEDBACK IS VERY APPRECIATED!
S2 licensed
how did this conversation move to talking about desert tracks? can we keep it about the topic please.
S2 licensed
exactly what ive been wanting for the longest time.
S2 licensed
well i have a drift layout with a 4th gear turn and the rest 3rd gear. most consider that fast enough. =x maybe i will post it up here i dunno...
S2 licensed
im not sure what you mean by real, fast, slow, grip/drift.... a lot of those layouts are first gear only. wouldnt that be slow? pretty much any layout is grip/drift. im guessing real means real track recreated which ive done but oyu dont have it up there. =p im kinda confused.
S2 licensed
umm ya because i dont race i drift. if i had been racing for those 4 months i wouldve deleted the game a long time ago. but i also played demo for almsot a year before i got s2. i couldnt care less about racing. how about you keep your stupid little comments and flames elsewhere and let us talk about this topic, mmkay?.
S2 licensed
well the racing does get boring... very boring. im to the point where i cant even play anymore. i need something new and fun to do.

as for the engine not being able to do it. couldnt they just set it up so the whole open area was the track and not just an open area? i dont see why this wouldnt work..
South City Layout
S2 licensed
is there any chance you(devs) could release the open south city layout with none of the tracks blocked off? so we could have an open city to drive in or make our own tracks out of it?
S2 licensed
48 objects.... so all you did was put down some arrows pointign to where the pit is and put a barrier blocking the track off at the start line......... cool layout...
S2 licensed
id muuuccchhhh rather have a mountain track then have anythign done to engine sounds or cockpits =x
S2 licensed
it wouldnt make it feel like that at all. like the gran turismo 3 track deep forest raceway. that would be real fun without the red/white curbs to make it look like a real road.
S2 licensed
canyon roads, mountain roads whatever. either would be great. maybe make a rallycross section of it. itd be great if we could drive on a mountain/canyon road at night too.
S2 licensed
thanx stan you should try it its really fun once you learn the track.
S2 licensed
ya i ended up making a few tracks 1/2 scale too and others i dont even try because i know i cant fit them how they should be. theyll just be little 1st and 2nd gear tracks too. need a bigger area!
S2 licensed
oh ya and about my server... i havent really had it up much lately because im kinda losing interest in LFS lately. ill leave it up more now for you guys but when im not home i cant change tracks or anything so youll have to play the same track for hours and hours lol. =/ i suggested a track rotation feature and people seemed to like the idea so we'll see what happens i guess.

- for those who dont know my server it is Just DRIFT. look for it andcome play sometime.
S2 licensed
oh ya its fun to grip and drift. its not really a realistic touge like mountains and such but i just took the idea of no room for error and ran with it. i think it still gives you the feeling that a touge gives because you know if you messup your gonna get messed up bad. its exciting just like flying down mountain roads and since we cant actually make mountains in LFS this is the best we can do. =/

ive made some more realistic touges with lanes and such which people seem to like too. they are 2 lane roads with hairpins so you go down the track in one lane, hit the hairpin, and then go back through the track in the other lane. its pretty fun when your drifting through a turn in one lane with someone is drifting at you in the other lane. if people wanna battle then we just have everyone but those 2 people spectate so they can use both lanes freely kinda like initial d style. its fun. maybe ill put one of those type of layouts up if people want?
S2 licensed
pretty much all of my tracks are missing a finish line because i dont race. =p i make layouts just to drift and when you add a finish line with checkpoints and everything then people start racing. i just wanna drift. you can go ahead and add them if you want to but thats why i dont.
S2 licensed
well you gotta remember its initial d dragonball z super saiyen drifting lol. and ive made lots of touge tracks this is just the only one ive put on here because no one ever gives feedback on the layouts. they just take them and leave and dont seem to appreciative of them so i stopped giving them out. if you want to see more then add me on msn -
S2 licensed
well you wouldnt have to use the rotation feature it would just be an option. i could definitely see that happening. =p
S2 licensed
so does that mean you liked my track?