Well I took the plunge today, I've only driven the smallest open wheeled formula style car and I'll say they don't feel like drift cars for sure. As for the tin lids.... I just cut the rear ARB in half and things feel quite abit better. I have driven a few of the other cars as well, not sure I would rate the game as 'exciting' as GTL, but fun in its own right.
Heh, while I don't think there should be a reduction in the demo's online capability, it doesn't reflect too well on the final version. Granted my experiences may have been more negative than many.
Cars with 2 ft of ground clearance, constant T1 restarts etc etc
There are other sims (different genre) with a lot more money at stake that give more away in the form of a demo and online play.
Grrr... so what if its the same sound engine!! or are you telling me the larger engined cars sound the same as the 4 cyls?
If thats the case you aren't doing anything to help sales!
This is a relatively expensive game compared to most other games I purchase (After currency conversion fees etc), and the argument that its constantly under development blah blah blah counts for squat if there is an aspect I dislike which keeps me from playing it.
Now perhaps if the demo came with some replays of the other cars (of course inaccessible to drive) it might make the game shine a little brighter.
I'd like to see perhaps one of the current cars swapped out for maybe something with a 6 or 8 cyl engine...
The cars currently in the demo, sound terrible.... Do the rest of the cars sound as poor? Thats what I'd like to find out before spending $$, its the only aspect holding me back, the rest of the game seems fine, but the engine sounds in the demo are ANNOYING. Annoying enough that even with the best physics, best graphics, biggest boobs, i still wouldn't buy it.