"If Carlos has a problem with someone else using 'his' sounds (did he make them from scratch?) then let him moan about it."
Rly ? when i criticise someones movie, or do anything,or say that MY FRIEND movie sucked,and you put ur little dic in the middle of the conversation, when its not even of ur business,you act like this? Now im the one messing up whit things that are none of my business... and u just said to me, to chill out, means u prohibited me of comenting other peopels videos,fine mr. and oh, its Slidaaaa whit 4 a's
When i finnaly post a descent coment,saying what i think its wrong, jsut like you always wanted, you do this. Ohh, briliant movie makers sayd ur movie was great? nice,but im sorry if i dont lic ur ballz like ur friends do, and like u do to them,i know the diference of this,and respect.
Hey,i gotcha long time ago allready hahuahuau
ohh god, please forgive-me of having fun of ret. people,im so sorry. thanks.
Hi !
Just in case the Dev's still doesnt know about it.
I conected to a server in LFSS2 full, and started playing normal,then i decided to change name,but when i was changing name the warning "A new user is conecting' or something like that,showed up,so, i finished changing name before the user conected to the server,or kinda at the exact time he got conected,so, i goed to the pits,the "*nick* has left the pits" warning, using my old name, the one before i had changed, but in the conections list, and when i talk,its the new name that appears...hehe, kept like that untill i recconected.
I thinl its just a silly 'copy' of the Fz50 movie.
Sure it is Tristancliffe, i didnt knew you liked a movie that uses someone elses video soundtrack, great huh, i see you have a refined taste.
I CANT BELIEVE you used the entire soundtrack and even the FZ sounds straight out of the 'Fz50 fun' movie,not just that,the hole movie feels and looks like the FZ one that Carlos made, that its not even yours ! nb
Learn to EDIT dude ... and the video, it made me remember the 'FZ fun' movie a lot...
Here goes my opinions and just opinions:
Now, Why right in the first scene,you get a XRT passing by whit an FZ50 engine sound? What tha...
What about puting a title in it? ... :chairs:
Some transitions are too long,you have to manage to get more video/sound sintony,i saw that when the music changes you go for transition, thats good, but could be better,and try to do the same whit the drift footage.
Dont use so many diferent efects whitout a reason, one time its all black and whit, other is sort of gray, at other, everything is 'yellow' ,other are blue etc...
You are having a few warps and ghosts there,usualy that doesnt come from the source video, its from the codec config.
Hey, i liked the part where he jumps on Fern, and the final.
That is fine for first try,mines wasnt better,and your drift is allright in my opinion, but you still have a lot to improve until you are able to do some 'cool' stuff, and it takes time, everyday i learn something new ....and dont thank me for nothing,you are messing up my hardcore moron reputation.
Heres a Teaser i made of the movie that im still making,this one was supposed the be high quality,but i was having a lot of codecs problems wich i solved allready.
If you liked my stuff, and want learn, i can teach you everything i know about movie making and using Sony Vegas 6.0. just ad [email protected] (messenger)
6800gt ? At least now i know its not hardware lag,(if you are in lfs default configs) then try using gamecan, not fraps,i uploaded the full version for you, here
You need stupid action, im a pro on that, im the right f/\g when its about causing stupid accidents etc.
Ohh sounds super,i have many replays of me fukin up people drifting and racing and the race itself, geting in front of drift trains,causing 8 cars accidents,overtaking and then sending noobs to wall (bah i do that all d time) etc, me going wrong way and make some guys from Argentina fly,me getting banned from lots of servers, me saying bad things of other peoples girlfriends,me destroying someone else team,me using fake name lying puting friends agaynst friends, hmm,me using someone else skins,me banning people for no reason,many things ive done these days, and some twin drifts too...
If you need something stupidly special, talk to me and i do exactly what u need,right away, live in server, if need any help editing etc, send me pm,and i will help if i can, i suck anyway.
sure, sorry, i forgot its ur forum ur thread, blondie, maybe u got it wrong and didnt noticed i wasnt talking to u. even thought, i think u r his babysitter
Ya, damm, 14 hours straight today editing the racing video to finish up fast,i justfinished something big, and i start the 'bible' that is even so much bigger, All cars (mainly focusing FZ5 & XRT), All tracks, All techniques,hundreds of replays,lots of video sequences,including setup tutorial, wheel tips, keyboard tips, mouse tips, between, thanks to Keitaro for even more future mouse tips, i dont plan to release my drift bible to public,its Brazilian community members private acces only, but if it interests to someone, i may give private pass. I will have my own professional drift league (like racing league) if my drift competition goes right next month,if it does,im sure we will have lots of great brazilian drifters,and many many more.
Edit. R.I.P Richard Burns , and Vendetta, aint you afraid of posting in my thread, i may reply ur comment defending myself whit kung-fu , like if this was a self defence school.
u dare post in my thread
Thanks, im only doing this tutorial because i know it will be well done,i wouldnt want to start something that couldnt be real good
Yeah ima do a F08 drift movie when i finish the league video, i should finish it in 3 days,then i start doing movie.
Wow im sure Scawen will help you whit your lfs problem,maybe a fresh re-instal of lfs, a new key, should work, or maybe your windows is not saving registry or something, dunno