Last month I posted some problems with 'look left', 'look right' functions, that were bind to my G25 console buttons.
It's something opposite to input lag. It's ok when you press button, but when you release it, it lags. It makes racing nearly impossible when you go side-by side and need to watch your sides. It happens with all of my buttons on wheel, same with H shifter, if I shift too fast, i can not shift up/down untill previous gear "button" releases, that leads me to misshift very often. Also it ruins the drift, since the e-brake interval increases unexpectedly.
I didn't find any solution on forums, related to problem I had, so.. I've installed new OS. Clean 64Bit Win10. Fresh G25 driver (lgs510_x64.exe from official Logitech's website). The problem remains. And it is STILL not occurs on previous LFS versions to me (0.6U and lower), so it is NOT a hardware or a driver problem.
It is easy to test: Run LFS and bind HORN function to any G25/G27 button and compare how fast and how short can you beep repeatedly on keybord and on a wheel. And you'll see there's no such delay on keyboard. I'm pretty much sure I'm not alone with this bug.
This stuff is really annoying. Waiting for some help. Thanx in advance.
Been here since 2005-2006, i think. Thanx to someone from xtremeimport.nl (old SLRR modding society was there) who introduced us to LFS in 2004 (i still have that first copy on my hdd).
This year I was searcing for earliest messages on my email and found old inbox from lfs team dated with 2007 (something about changing my password). I tried to log in with this email, but it says no such user. So i registered again with same email. Wierd, but it worked. I think I was banned discussing VOB mods and pushing ideas that we see now, 15 years later. I still hate those snobbish admins who acted as they are devs while they are not and mocking new users telling them go to RFactor if they want mods. Luckily I don't remember their names.
I was a fan of LFS all this time, but lacking of mod-ability and agressive admins made me an underground fan for years. Now i'm an S3, I promissed that i will support game if game support modders. Sadly it took so long.
∆∆∆Excuse me, my fault, i was typing it wile was away from PC. It says: LFS_EDITOR is not a Win32 app, when i RUN INSTALLED app, i just checked it out.
Thank you for info. I remember you told us you gonna transfer LFS to DX11, I didn't expect it happen that early.
I see, i'm limited by my GPU anyway.
Scawen, excuse me my offtopic, Wich settings do you run in profiler/LFS?
Mine is: everything 100% and "Allow game to adjust settings" in profiler
30% FFB in LFS. Feels good to me.
I'm asking because it's interesting how it feels by a man who develops it. How it supposed to be in concept. I've seen alotta people around using at least 100% FFB in LFS with different profiler values (sometimes over 100% either), that i consider wrong as it loose gradient.
Blow the dust from inside of motors with compressed air, from time to time. And measure resistense on BOTH DISCONNECTED!!! motors. Must be around 30Ohms for healthy wheel with no carbon dust inside. I say this because FFB on G series gradually fall down with time, and you won't notice it right away.
I don't think i got right what RamosWRC mentioned, but i felt disoriented at first time, when my virtual wheel didn't fit HID wheel. I know most of street cars IRL have more than 1000', but it would be great to have a chance to limit it in steering settings (anyhow people pick their own ratios by modding steering knuckles, rods, and racks IRL, so why not..).
superlame I don't really like missles, as they're just cars crashed by unskilled/reckless drifters. But you wil be able to crash this model to look like a missle). See screenshot in first post with broken taillight.
Ok. Since Devs has changed the game, literally... My plans are broken. The model WILL NOT BE based on XR platform anymore (means it need to be rescaled). The final release WILL NOT include such things as a texture, interface and sound mods (since mods now are integrated). Now i'm thinking of how to seperate all this stuff into a few different zips and how and where to present it. My brain gone overheated with all these news, updates, tools, tutorials, bugs and so on. Plus i haven't been online since 2016 or so. So i did a little break in modeling and was happpy to test new features and just race.
For now i thhink i will just upload some screenshots and(or) videos of progress, related to ANY LFS mods i made, here. And later will sort them as a download links in first post.
I have some old(2016) pictures of smoke texture mod that i planned to include in my S13 release. Tell me what you think, is it worth uploading or someone made something better on current smoke system? The last two are 2020s, Devs changed the DUST saturation so it looks a bit different.
Yeah, i know there are always problems with alphas in games, especially with trees. I'll take a look at Editor as soon as possible. First i need to finish my mod on existing tools, then i be able to install new OS with no regrets.
Thank you, Scawen!!!!Now i can drive formula with no tune-ups in wheel software!!!
I always used 720, so it had no effect on me untill new patch. Plus i thought it works in a different way: "wheel compensation" as loopingz mentioned, and "wheel turn" is to match virtual wheel to HID wheel, that i thought bugged on Logitech.
BTW the 'Button Release Lag', i mentioned before in TEST forum, seems it happens only to me. It's nor the new patch or logitech bug, it's a result of recovered old OS on a new harware, i think.
I had a question for a long time. I guess it's time and place:
I wonder why LFS has "controller wheel turns 720" if it does not affect anything?
My G25 is set to "Allow game to adjust settings", but no result. Lfs can't change G25's degree from ingame (when i switch to Formula cars, for example). And also this option does not affect the virtual wheel degrees to fit real.
So what it made for if it is not help at all? And is there any chance to set this up properly?
Excuse me for unsupported MOD, Scawen. It is the only way i can do it for now, i can't drop it halfway. I'll convert it with all requirements as it finished.
I didn't expect you to fix my mod, i was expecting You to explain what caused that changes.
I know about alpha sorting, and always take it in account. I didn't expect that something changed in XR "architecture".
Now i see, all subobjects are merged by LFS now, you say...
P.S. Just FYI, my DASH was made exactly XR-style (no multiple glasses. Only DIALS and ALPHA over it), but was placed in child 18 (sububject 18?), to make it possible to transfer (NOT mirror) with pedals and driver to other side for LHD. Ok, i guess i have to live with that untill i get my hands on proper mod tools.
Made few laps today at FernBay. Really fun to drive with it's power/weight ratio and layout!!! About diff, we have to live with that if it's not allowed by this class (is it?), it adds some spice anyway.
I'd like to see you finish the engine model/texture and add some realism to rims (I never liked these LFS S1 style rims). Oh, and the aninmtion..
I'd like to see this class events sometime!!!
Last edited by Snoop.DriftEra, .
Reason : f. u. android keyboard
I think it's okay, that LFS lets you know if you exceed the polycount limit.
What is strange for me, is that my model, same that was ok in 0.6U now is not ok in 0.6W56, regarding to this message. I optimised it in U patch and had no broken triangles (as a result of over16k per subobject), but in W patch it looks same ok and shows this warning at same time. Looks strange, but i did't make final calculations yet to know exact polycount of whole model, but i was sure it's under the limit.
I was scrolling thru mods today and noticed one thing: even quality mods looks like cheap toycars. Can you add some enviorment reflection on mod thumbnails, until we aren't far enough and there not many mods in the list yet? Ofcourse modmakers can choose not so toxic colors, but some cars, as Lambo requires that colors and looks cheap right now.
Who even reads instructions and logs? JK, Jk. I usually do, thanx fo the info.
That G25 console lag, maybe it's because of number of buttons have increased?
fangio86, I see you use LFS's seat. I have a texture for it, sadly i could not find PSD file to make it easier to re-badge for official release. Here's a screen. Let me know if you like to use it, then I'll try to retrieve it from dead HDD. For now i can share it as is (dds).
Just ckecked it out. There was no such option in 0.6U that's why i had no idea.
In 0.6W54 it was set to 10000. Crazy! Changed to 400, left 50Hz as is. Still no effect on lag. I think we better ask other people with G-series or wait till they see this discussion.
BTW I found out why script doesn't work.
Somehow the buttons 33,36,34,2 (0.6U) now recognised as 129,130,131,132 (0.6W54).
It happened before, once after 0.6F. They were 32,35,333,1 (0.6F).
I don't think it's a wheel issue, since my Richard Burns Rally still have same key mapping from ~2015, few OS ago, and still runs well. Just FYI.
FF steps? I gotta do some research, i have no idea what you talking about, it always was kinda plug-n-play thing for me. I just installed clean 6V3, then patched it to W52 and transplanted all my settings and scripts. that's all. So technically i use same settings as at U patch.
I just looked at my cfg, the FF Steps is "1" at W54 and "256" at 0.6U. So copy-past cfg didn't work out, i guess.
Tried to change it to "256", but LFS now overwrites it to 7. Scratching my head.....
Excuse me for disturbing you, you must have an iron-made patience with all of us. We both got other things to do. I think I'll just wait friday and reinstall whole system and till then we better focuse on our current tasks.