by any chance are there any free programs like fraps? yes i know fraps has a free demo but that only goes for 30 seconds. i want one that can record more than that but am too cheap to get fraps.
so, i was on the city driving usa server just driving practicing with the clutch mod(stopping where you should gasp)when this drifter decited it would be fun to ram me. so i asked him to stop(he and i were the only ones on the server) and what do you know he did not. so someone else came on and he said that i had been ramming him and to vote to ban me and before i could disconnect i was banned. stupid me i forgot to get his racer name and save the recording of what he did. so how long do i have to wait before i can go onto their servers?
i know this cop who lives on a corner where people kept driving on his grass. so he goes and gets him self 3 or 4 oldish spike strips and burys them at the edge of his yard so that you could walk over them but if a car drove over them and sunk in(its the usa, many fat people with fat suvs) its tires would pop. about a mounth after he installed them some one decided it would be fun to drive around in his yard. hehe they got away but the tracks showed that the spike strips work.
I am just curious as to weather there is or could be made a mod to make the clutch work. ie. the car can stall. i know it has been recommended tio the developers but i am wondering if there is a mod for it.