indeed that is seriously cheap, im 18, no job at the moment and im a student. i play with guys on other games who pay mega £££ for there servers. im talking £300+ for a few dedicated servers.
i plugged in my wheel today, and went for a game of LFS and realised it wouldnt centre properly, it was showing slightly to the left was centre, which it wasnt!
i came out and recalibrated the wheel, and then did it in game and put calibration lock and and yet the problem persists.
i opened dxtweak2 and it showed the following (view attached)
im not sure how to get the wheel centrered as i really dont bother messing around with this stuff ussually; as long as it works fine im happy.
the image shows me holding the wheel centre, and thats the input it shows in dxtweak?!?
Indeed, i as well as most of the lfs fan base know about the bugs, but what bugs me is that some people, like your self defend LFS at any time they can (which is a good thing) but when people are wrong they cant seem to understand..
take critisism on the chin - its a good aid to improove things.
indeed it is about time some people have areality check on LFS some people believe or think they 'know' that LFS is the best sim around. indeed LFS is a goodun, but it still has some big issues to be resolved - tyres, dirt grip reduction, more advanced damage, and definatly physics:
since when does running the nose on a formula car, or GTR car as high as possible make a car handle better/go quicker
any idea when you will update for the new patch? i get the no car selected problem. currently running the latest official patch so i presume thats the problem?
This league is in season 2 atm and has gone pretty well, im not sure if theres any 'active' slots remaining. best to post on the forum and see if you can join.
I have a DFP and when some one hits me my wheel dosent budge, youve probably got the FF on silly high, and low rotation.
Having your FF that high isnt reccomended, you can damage the motor and gears quicker IMO, theres more force going through them, resulting in quicker wear.. if that makes sence!
If the problem persists i would imagine youve stripped a gear or damaged the motor.