Is the free download and etc limited time? Only reason i ask this is because i was in Besy buy today and saw it for 10 bucks still. Should'nt it be taken down off the shelf?
Well... Obviously they'll be a hit. They are basically just (kinda) nimble nascars. Would'nt be worth a road trip however for me. Super GT and or FIA GT1 however...
lmfao i don't. Just downloaded a save game and make car liveries at this point until it's fully fixed and or i get a new wheel. Drifting is abysmal on kb but is fun racing for a awhile.
Is it me. or do they do a incredible job at hiding stuff. I'm still trying to find all the dogtags, keys, and etc but rather not go cheat and look on youtube.
"About a year ago or more, a user on lfsforums posted a thread containing LOTS of explicit images and started a uproar in general discussion. The thread was deleted only a mere 20 minutes later, but the damage was done and TVE decided to take advantage of the thread's popularity and host a banger event in dedication."
I haven't had internet for the past 2 weeksish and i had a day to myself for once sooo i finally took these year old replays and made use of them . For those curious, the games played were Blacks vs Whites (some of the skins were missing which is why you see white cars attacking white cars and or just friendly fire) and Kill the UF1.
Wouldn't be surprised if Mazda did field a car or engine. I remember they supplied a engine to a P2 team awhile ago and then the furai soon after. They're up to something. Just taking abit longer.
No i must have flicked the 4:3 aspect ratio somewhere in settings awhile ago, but i never really bothered to change back amidst the editing and didn't really bother me. I'll re render while i still have the original files when i have time.
Here's a promo video for a team I'm starting up. It's sort of a branch off from a CSS clan that I'm in and recently we've been going into other games and i figured i would start my own branch in lfs. Once everything is set (server, own section of site, and etc), i feel that it'll be very very prosperous .
I was really late getting into GT2 as soon as I've gotten fast in them, the leagues dropped of the face of the earth. Would love to see one up and going