2006 RL: Began community college for various fields (Photography, Web Design, IT) and ridden of high school crush
2006 Everything else: Tried lfs on new computer and joined T5 drift team.
2007 RL: Obtained Comp Tia A+, First job at small pc repair shop. Job morphs into Cyber Cafe.
2007 ee: Bought S2 and left behind T5, Shikane and other groups. Joined rebooted RF team.
2008 RL: Discovered the beauty of public transit, work work work.
2008 ee: Bought DFP, Discovered TEK9 Stevy and wrecked havoc on CoD4.
2009 ee: Learned 900* drifting, found css zombie survival, social life poof.
2010 RL: Moved out with stash of saved money. Pondered to buy a weekend warrior and risk missing rent or never miss bills and be stuck riding uncomfortable transit. Money winss
2010 ee: Built gaming rig, finally clicked "high" in gfx options, set legit steam, became crackhouse_de fiend, joined 28 Rounds Later css team.
2011: Moved to St. Louis for the hell of it. Started job as a Hollister sales rep and Gamestop employee. Found out Gateway Raceway is metro-able from where i live. Found out it was shut down. Found out it was bought and will reopen
2011 ee: LFS becomes a faded memory, CSS howeverrr
Discovered Forza 4 and play it 24 7 on friend's xbox. Friend buys skyrim. Life done.
2012: Quit gamestop, began to serial date only to stop when i realised i want to go back to college. Bought first smartphone, went to first concert and suddenly wanted to dj.
2012 ee: 28 Rounds Later fades. Bought G27. LFS BECOMES ORGASMIC, css fades, everything but lfs. Friend deletes F4 and Skyrim data F4 Lvl 122, 22 million, 100's of cars gone. Lvl 55 almost every side quest completed gone. Built new rig to go back to pc gaming.
2013: Hollister closes, began work as a Lifegurd and shortly after promoted to deck supervisor. Moved to more upper class neighborhood, nearly bought a B5 Audi S5. Nearly had aheart attack when i saw a E30 M3 next to it for 18k. Nearly pulled out a hefty loan to buy a E30 M3.
2013 ee: Rarely gamed until a month ago when ifinally bought a 360 for GTA 5 and some F4 love.
2014: Work towards Music Production education and hopefully own that E30 M3 if i can find the buyer.