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S2 licensed



if you read the posts you may get an answer. I'm doing a job place for now someone said i could have it.
S2 licensed
Ok, i've done the 'Top' X/Y Co-ordiantes, and the 'Bottom' X / Y co-ordiantes. And now it makes a line top to bottom of my place. What do i need to do now?
Last edited by sun, .
S2 licensed
wait. I how do i put my full 6 digit co-ordiantes in here?

if (MCI.Info[i].X /
S2 licensed

My friend ( heiko ) told me that you need 4 co-ordiantes of a rectangle. ( 4 Corners ). I have them which are:


X: 23120658

Y: 44028316



X: -23157776

Y: 43328664



X: -23312779

Y: 43962067



X: -22955669

Y: 43779036


how would i put those into the if ( statement )?
S2 licensed
ahhh... Thanks. I forgot about the 'else'.

Ok. I can type in 48 when the question hasnt even been asked. and get money. How would i enable the answer when the question has been said? would i have to declare a variable ?
S2 licensed
Ok 2 problems here. Ok all my plan is to do is to make a quiz system. When a user types in the correct answer in my case the 1st question anser is 48. So i did this:

/*case "48":
if (Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].alreadyanswered == 0)
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^6Congradulations!", MSO.UCID, 0);
alreadyanswered = 1;
if (Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].alreadyanswered == 1)
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^1The current Question has already been answered.", MSO.UCID, 0);

(forgot the comment out i did that because i was doing somthing else)

Basically after the command is said, i put in:

alreadyanswered = 1;

That was supposed to make it 1, so it means that its been answered when the answer has been said. Then when i type in '48' again it shows 'congradulations' again.

Can anybodyhelp?

NOTE: i'm posting in my co-ordiante topic because i dont want to make other topics every 10 minutes.
S2 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :

Edit: Dougie beat me to it.

lol... Well Dougie has Quick thinking skills.
Last edited by sun, .
S2 licensed
Ok. I have that neally done.


Ok, i'm doing a little neat system, and i dont know how to make an auto message every 20 minutes?

i know:

System.Timers.Timer AutoMessage = new System.Timers.Timer(300000);

is that set for 30 minutes?

and if it is then how do i make a message say every (300000)?

void AutoMessage_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)

i tryed that and it doesnt work. Can anyone help? please?
S2 licensed
I know what i'm doing to.
S2 licensed
Ah... Thanks DarkTimes.
Co-oridinate's of a place. ( neally complete )
S2 licensed

I have posted millions of posts in the past about somthing familier with this, but as faras i know, i'm beginning to understand it. As far as i know, this is what i know:

I Go in LFS, get the X, Y co-ordinates. (X, Y) for example we will be using,

X: 9746464

Y: 8446454.

Do you halve it by 1906?, i just dont know what to halve it bye? can anybody give me some unstructions or somthing or correct me?
S2 licensed
This is a quick example for you:

DatabaseDomainorIp: xx.xx.xx.xx
DatabaseName: LFS
DatabaseUserName: BOB Port: 3306
DatabasePassword: bob12


Basically if you are on the Dedi server with the InSim / Server / MySQL runing on it then the domain / IP will then be localhost. If your trying to connect to a MySQL database on a diffrent server then you need the ip address and the username or password of an account. If you dont know then read from here:

Its very simple when you know what your doing
S2 licensed
Is there not away to let my self login again? in a diffrent OS or anything else?
Last edited by sun, .
S2 licensed
Ok, but it still wont let me log in.
[NOT A BUG] LFS unlocking? bug?
S2 licensed

I have 2 OS's on my computer and when i log in my account in vista i'm fine, but when i boot into Xp, i have to log in again. LFS is on 1 drive. Called 'Media'. I load LFS either in Vista or XP and i have to login in if i'm on a diffrent OS. So now i came to log in on XP, i have no unlocks for a week.

Is there suppoed to be a file what says like s2 mode, etc? Can you make me log in again?

Please help!


S2 licensed
Quote from Marco1 :ja kein problem ^^
habs ja nich gesagt ^^

ermm what ? please translate it into english please?
S2 licensed
Yes, i thought it was illegal to even use it. But now i'm wrong
S2 licensed
ermm, i remember when i first started looking for one, it was in the drift lapper. You could probebly get some of the code out of that, as you may know, it might just work for your needs
S2 licensed
Count how many km meters you do, then add a button every 1. then at the end of the button add it in digital.

Take a look at robs Cruise insim.
S2 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :Sorry, was just idly thinking, you could make that time to string line a lot shorter and neater.

string Time = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute);

hehe :nod
S2 licensed
private void CheckUser_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
foreach (clsConnection C in Connections)
if (Stage == 1)

string Time = Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours).PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Minutes).PadLeft(2, '0');
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^2" + Time, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C4, 5, 10, 40, 142, 3, C.UniqueID, 2, false);

Hope that helps!
Last edited by sun, .
S2 licensed
I'm not being like rude in any way, but do you read through the open source tutorials? And do you know the launguage ok? Because it might help

PS: I will find the code for you out of my InSim, for the time.
S2 licensed
ye, thanks AndoidXP, i'll take a look
S2 licensed
I do know C#. I even made games! not like u say. Copy And Paste. NONE of that. If you want i will GIVE you one of my games. And you can compare it to the internet to see if the code is REALLY from the internet.

ATM i am learning C++, as this is my first time. I program robots in the launguage but help from the internet, but when i mean by robots i mean basic ones like making wheels turn and all that. From somthing called: 'Tutorials' like you say.

Read tutorials and you will learn. || thats what i am doing.

Note: Thats why i havnt been on the forums lately for months. Because i've gone away and learnt and ben reading Tutorials. You should be at least be proud of that.