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S2 licensed
never mind, i've mange to do it. please delete this thread.
How to open another button when it is clicked.
S2 licensed

I had a go last night on how to show a button when another one is clicked. i've tried but i dont know if i can just get it.

Correct me if i'am wrong.

I'am trying to make a button to view your: points, licence, cars you have.

i know it cant go i one button so i'am making 3 of them for the things i want. i think this is the code but correct me if you see an error.


InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7details", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_CLICK | Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C4, 5, 20, 10, 20, 7, NCN.UCID, 2, false);


thats the code for when the button is clicked. ~but how would you be able to get it to open another button whats big neally half the size of the screen


S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Awww...

LOL! i know what your thinking lmao. What the fudge ? WHERES THE FUDGE!!!!
S2 licensed
good post WS Fredy! it made me think and its upset me the old times when i loved CLC and LTC to cruise around i think there should only be: CLC,

Those are the main cruise servers what i have said 40 times. I think the ones with the same insim should go offline and try to make there OWN InSim with there OWN CODE
S2 licensed
Quote from Richie Cahill :I like the cut of your Gib!

thats a completely diffrent subject

We all know why there is a filter on LFS. The other reason of my first post is that neally 4 of the cruise servers have the same InSim. it would be better if 4-5 cruise servers was enough WITHOUT the same InSim app running on diffrent servers, because it gets boring. CLC, TC, LTC; are the most popular ones. This is a list of things they dont have:
  • Dont have the Same InSim - Which is great!
Now that is good. But the other cruise servers some of them have Robs open source cruise server hosting on there server. Some of them have been empty for months, and i see no point in having them iff people are not going to join them its just filling up the list of servers. but there is a filter what Scawen put in therev like someone said "Thats why Scawen put a cruise filter in there for a reason".


yes someone said in my post that when i wanted to start to make a cruise server i was neally begging. untill rob came along and said he would point me into the right direction. And then i got hold of the LFS_External_Client.
I finally got the C# launguage better to use because he shared a bit of his code and told me where to put it. thats how i learnt to make new insim apps and with that cruise tutorial ( whats off my system now ) helped me to make a succesfull cruise insim app from scratch. it wasnt good but it was an attempt.


Somthing to say to those people out there to want to make an InSim. Get the LFS_External_Client, and start to programm. get the cruise tutorial and read the form1.cs and see how it works. thats how you learn.

dont moan like i did on the forums 2 years ago because ppl think oyur a bit chilish like they thought i was but once Sean told me to Stop making my insim, and read my C# book, it taught me alot of new things i have never come accross before in my life. Then after a moth of reading i told Sean i know the laungauge better now can i do my insim and he questioned me. And thtas when i learnt from the book. So Thanks Sean and Rob for all your help you have game to me!



Its time to close the thread now before other ppl start jumping in and moaning.


S2 licensed
There was no need to post that here frankinstein.
S2 licensed
My point of my first post was, when dougie-lampkin gave out his InSim app, neally sll the new servers have it and whats the point in going to other cruise servers when its just the same InSim over and over... Why dont they just BUILD an InSim with there OWN WORK, instead of downloading them from the forum. I downloaded one from the forum a year ago to help me with my programming in LFS. I hosted it so people could spot the errors and then i could learn from them by redoing the code i messed up.

I'am NOT saying that you cant make your own insim aplications, you can, i'am making one at the moment and it is going quite well.

If you cruisers who posted here are just moaning because you want all the money to oyur self for hosting, dont post here, this thread is to talk about to many cruise servers having the same insim and thats why i posted + there were to many its like the cruise servers have more than racing so racing servers are less and there are more cruise servers. People want to make them day after day or week after week. I'am not saying you cant make a InSim for god sake!
S2 licensed
pathetic isnt it...
To many Cruise Servers.
S2 licensed

The reason i am posting this is because i think there are over to many cruise servers in the Live For Speed Simulator. When i last checked there was over 5-6 servers running and is making more people want to make cruise InSims. Soon in 3-4 years time lfs will be covered in over 20-30 cruise servers and people would stop playing the game. I stopped mine because Sean told me about you needed to learn to programm so i did go off and learn. But when i came back there was alot of cruise servers running. So i stopped because people just liked other ones and went on them and more and more people want to make cruise servers. LFS is supposed to be about Racing; other people in the LFS game it self. I 'am NOT complaining to: LTC, CLC, TC, WC; Those are the current popular cruise servers on the game so four is ENOUGH. If people aggree with me you are welcome to post a thread, and help me to stop these cruise servers from spreading into the LFS Server list. Lets end to this and put a STOP THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Reading from txt file problem
S2 licensed

I'am using the cruise tutorial project, and using it for another plan i have in mind. The only problem is though, it wont read of the txt file. i've gone in suns account ( mine ) and it says Cash: 1000 Cars: UF1. But when i go into lfs and go on the server i choose UF1 from the cars list and click join race, but it says my name tried to steel the UF1.

Can anyone help ?


S2 licensed
ahh. Thanks
S2 licensed
Quote from shaun463 :Remember the / 65536 when doing cooridnates .

that wasnt helpfull
admin password - problem
S2 licensed
Hey, guys

I have a problem with my admin password. When i type in test for example for the admin password, and i type it in lfs and go inside my host iand type /msg hi. It says you do not have admin rights.

Does any one know how to help ?


Lfs X, Y
S2 licensed
Hi, people.

I'am stuck in the X, Y place of a lottery pickup. ( its just the co-ordiantes i'am stuck on. ) Right well heres the picture of a sqaure i made:

I hope you can understand me here...



\/ \/ \/ \/

Here are the files for my co-ordiantes and picture.

The Square is where i want the person to pick up the lotto ( on the picture )

but what do i do for the co's ? do i have to the same like what i did for the x, y collection ?
Last edited by sun, .
S2 licensed
Thanks Rob ! its helped me with my lottery pick up
S2 licensed
Quote from wild :Owen grow up you banned me for taking advantage of the !pay -10000 command and blame it on me for crashing your insim. I did not crash your insim fix the !pay - command.

Here's a suggestion code your own insim application then it might not crash. It doesn't take that long to start learning VB, PHP, C# ETC. Just go onto google and search for Programming Tutorials.

i've just started you idiot
S2 licensed
actually i've spotted an error.

foreach (clsPlayer Ply in Players)

in the code there already is a 'Ply'
S2 licensed
Quote from Heiko1 :Hello sun
that is the code for the cash. Now i give u a Message Timer (a message wich comes at every [second,minute,hour] read what i wrote at the las line.
System.Timers.Timer MesaggeTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1);

Fil that in The insim conect (at there where is that with PayUser)

MesaggeTimer.Enabled = true;
MesaggeTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(MesaggeTimer_Elapsed);

And now the thing for you message (what it does shows)

foreach (clsPlayer Ply in Players)
if (Ply.Payout > 3)
Ply.Payout = 0;

at the if(Ply.Payout >3) [the three are the seconds]

Hope that help you

Greetings Marco

Thank you Very Much!
Timer - Timing
S2 licensed
hello, programmers.

I think i have found out, that sending a message every so often. i found this inside my code:

System.Timers.Timer PayUser = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);

But it has pay user in it...

Can any one help with a timer ? counting down ? i'am working at my best programming skill


S2 licensed
ok, guys, where going abit off the topic here in the thread...
S2 licensed
Quote from Krammeh :Create two layouts, indentical all bar the "bank coverer" lol.

Call one TRACK_bankclosed.lyt, and one TRACK_bankopen.lyt

on !bankopen

send the mst - "/axload bankopen"

on !bankclose

send the mst - "/axload bankclose"

- although this would work - I would not suggest it, for the fact that barriers are penatratable with the current system. Which means that someone could ram their way into the bank to steal the money, when there are no officers on duty.

Instead of that, in your MCI function(s) where the bank robbery scripts are, just do a simple IF command, to ensure the bank is open by using the "bankstatus" variable...

Then on !bankopen set a variable "bankstatus" to open, and on !bankclose, set the variable "bankstatus" to closed.

ThanksFor that . really helped me, ALOT
S2 licensed
Well maybe you try coding it.

ok, is /axload even a command in LFS ? because al what i know is /track fe4 or /track ky1 for example, never heard of /axload.
km Counter
S2 licensed

Cany any one explain to me how i could do i Km counter ? i'am really struggling on this, and i've tryed before trying to do it, but i failed 'yet again'.


S2 licensed
but how do other servers do it then, when a command it said ?
S2 licensed
yes, not going for 1 - 2 secs