Thanks Rob, you might want to check the if statement because i had errors on that. the button code works but when your not an admin it displays Admin 0. But when you are an admin it shows Admin 1.
ye it kept spamming that mesage when i came up to a corner...
to give you somthing (maybe i should of told you) is that i want a rectangle so it doesnt have to take me ages to find those co-ordiante place to get my prize.
so rectangle and co-ordiantes. got the co-ordiantes but not the rectangle so i can go over and get my ticket
if ((MCI.Info[0].X >= -28705464) && (MCI.Info[0].Y >= 34620449)) ///this code verified the coordinates, good=send message : bad=no send { InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6You have found your daily lottery ticket!"); ///this code send "test^3 -4228125845" ///the number is the coordinate X. }
that works !
all what i need to do now is for the rectangle and ReVoX said that you need to configure it
Can someone explain what he is on about ?
Last edited by the_angry_angel, .
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Originally Posted by AndroidXP To be honest, I really don't understand what that code is supposed to do. Especially the if statements that just end with a semicolon, thus doing nothing.
If you want to check if the player is within a certain "box" on the track, then you first have to define the coordinates of the box, like this:
Code: Rectangle box = new Rectangle();box.Top = 6 * 65536; //6 metres to the north of the track centre pointbox.Left = 3 * 65536; //3 metres to the eastbox.Right = 6 * 65536; //6 metres to the eastbox.Bottom = 3 * 65536; //3 metres to the north ... or you do it with coordinates and width/height box.X = 3 * 65536; //3 metres eastbox.Y = 6 * 65536; //6 metres northbox.Width = 3 * 65536; //3 metres box.Height= 3 * 65536; //3 metres ... respectively negative values if you want to go to south/west
Is that VB code or C# ?
i tryed it and it didnt work
do you mean the if statement then the Rectangle Box = new Rectangle();
Error 2 The name 'Box' does not exist in the current context C:\Documents and Settings\Owen\Desktop\Cruise Tutorial\LFS_External_Client\LFS_External_Client\Form1.cs 565 17 LFS_External_Client